top fan leafs curling??


Well-Known Member
pretty good

get yourself some clip on lights 150 watt and some philp grow light spotlight 120 watt..............about 20 bucks for the pair .........cfls are good for starting but as they get bigger i had major issuses with the lighting ............what i told u will allow u to get certin areas of the plant with some more light when u see some problems comming up the end of mine i had to move them outside and invest into other system ....i went hid since i could...... u might have to go led ......if u go led do not buy the cheapo ones u will hate yourself since they die off fairly fast .......i was told blackdog/blackstar were 2 of the better led makers


Well-Known Member
Yup mh and hps will be far better, but do some research into the ipower
brand. There have been quite a few reports of them flaking out and needing
to be replaced.


Active Member
For your place cooltube is must and 600w will be "much to much" :o or you have other place for that size lamp?
I have another place i got a separate room with a closet i was just gonna hang it up in there. Right now i got that plant in a xl box in my room lol my plans were to just put her outside in the back once she got big enough and thanks ricky1lung i would have not thought of researching that


Well-Known Member
No prob,

Fwiw, I run a 1000w hps in a 4x4 tent. A few guys told me it was
too much for the space but others told me how to do it and Im glad I listened.

My light raises the tent temp around 10 - 15 degrees (with fans) but with good intake and
exhaust fans I have it at an optimal temp. So watch your temps, and it is a good idea
to light your space before you put your plants in and watch the temps so you know what to
expect and can make adjustments before your plants get their new home.

I have an indoor/outdoor digital thermometer, the outdoor unit in the tent set at around
9-10 inches from the light and the indoor unit is in the living room so I can have a quick
look at the temps without having to go to the grow area.

Check these charts for a guide on light distances.



Well-Known Member
thanks ricky1lung and justugh i was thinking of my next investment to be this seems pretty cool right i heard mh and hps are the shit
i would bum it up to the 1000 watt.........someone told me the same thing when i got mine and now i am going to buy it this month so i have a 600 and 1000 i gues i will the 600 into veggie tent