top growth 3-4 weeks into flowering fan leave yellow rust spots


Well-Known Member
title says it all.
FF soil and trio plus cal mag and molasses ph'd to 6.5-7

one strain I have always does this. The upper fan leaves start first, then it moves down. Usually just affects the top few. Heres some pics, any help is appreciated. damn yellow orange rust death spots :(


If your soil ph is good this might help.Im using the FF ocean forest and getting the same spots not as bad. Im week 7 of flower. I traced it down to a magnese def. FFarms soil is def goin down hill, and unless you ammend it before use with some epsom salt and rock phosphate everyone is gonna start having ph and lockout def. issues. I think the only reason mine isnt as profound as yours is im all organic and feed with teas and use powdered glacial rocl and mollasses to feed and give the micro herd something to cling to along with guanos.. Since I upped the glaciar rock amount in my teas tje spots have seemed to not get any worse or spread.


Well-Known Member
Thats actually what I found in a chart too. manganese. But epsom salt has magnesium, what can I add for just manganese I wonder? google time
Its only one strain I have that does it. I guess that strain uses extra manganese.
I just gave it molassis and nutes, plus calmag. But idk if any of them have manganese


Well-Known Member
A guide to deffencies/ the forum marijuana plant problemz your awnser there
At my local shop the guy said unlikely that its that. Only .06 percent in most mixes that have it.

could be. Is that the result from the above mentioned check? Manganese?


Well-Known Member
It looks like magnesium deficiency. Overuse of molasses can lockout magnesium (Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen). Is it a high EC strain? If so, you need to give it water ph'd to 6.5 and a stronger nute regimen. The fact that you see it on only one strain kind of clues me in. Do you know the strain?