top leaves have issues help?!? white widow?


image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg2-3 weeks into veg with white widow seeds. Had LED lamp maybe too close so moved further away. have a soil monitor which says ph is 7 and temp of soil 78 temp of room around 84. 23 hrs of light (occasionally use t-5 fluorsant light too). did lightly fert when my soil tester said fertility was low. then worried leaf issues from too much so I tried to flush with filtered water. My research and environmental science experience says its either CaMg defiency or too close to lights or N abundance issue. Help please I have pics just unsure how to upload them.
Leaves look like small splotches off leaf missing (just top layer - almost like burned away but not super brown light green) slightest curl of leaf upward (only occurred on two plants of 6 that were tallest and closest from led light (within 6")



You're soil might be too alkaline and be preventing Manganese (Mn) intake. That's my take on it.


Well-Known Member
I have had similar before on a madshack (which has White widow in it). Was never 100% sure what had caused mine. The two things I narrowed it down to (not saying I'm right) were over-watering and cal/mag deficiency (although I was also not measuring my water/feed ph accurately enough). To solve it I made sure the plants fully dried out, invested in a ph pen to get accuracy with the ph, and started adding 'Bloom Cal/Mag'. Seemed to improve things, but she was still a temperamental girl.


Thanks! I flushed it and will let it dry. I thought it was probably a calcium magnesium issue but being my first wasn't too sure of my guess. I checked out your grow - awesome!