top leaves wrinkling


Active Member
newbie on his first grow :)

into the fifth week here, done ok so far, yellowing on one plant at the top towards the end of week 3 so i started lightly on the nutes - improved the situation.

now the top leaves have just started to wrinkle up a little today i noticed. could this be under watering, it looks like it could be sympotomatic of lack of water? only water once a week, the soil in the bottom of the pot seems to have some moisture in, the top soil is most definitely dry thru.

you'll see in the picture, its just at the edge/tips and also from where the leaf sprowted. now thats technical lol.

there has been a slight drop in temp here the last 24 hours with the boiler packing up, but have kept a close eye and the closet has held 80 degrees and not dropped more than 5 - 7 degrees of what its usually at.

any help appreciated :)

theyr currently about 8 inches, week 5, was thinking of going another week and then going into 12/12 - himalaya gold so could get a little large i understand :spew:

peace / props + more peace



Well-Known Member
get a life,find something else to do,there is nothing wrong with those plants,what gonna happen if u get a real probem?


Active Member
get a life,find something else to do,there is nothing wrong with those plants,what gonna happen if u get a real probem?


i'll probably curl up and die.

apologies about the poor camera, its jus on my phone so very low def, but theres definitely change, just thort i'd be missing something obvious and someone might say, water, light or so on.

i live/ work and theyr next to me all day/ night, so yeah, not really a lot of option to get away from them.

no worries i'll scoot off.


Active Member
yeah you're probably right.

given its 8 - 10 inches, you think it wise to go another week in veg? i dont want a plant bigger than 4 - 5' and iv seen vids of the himalaya gettin BIG.


Well-Known Member
very small for 5 weeks, anyways ya there is nothing wrong as i could see with the plants, start flowering now since they will grow alot during flower


Active Member
does your pots have holes in them? and how much water do u water with, no more than a gal per plant at that stage... and make sure theres a tray that will catch the run out from the pot


Active Member
thanks guys...

im watering just once every 7 days, about 300ml

didnt seem much to me, but soil still felt damp at the bottom of the pots so left it. the pots have holes at the bottom (2 on each side) however the plastic is slightly sealed so theres not as much gap as the pot intended, if y'see what i mean.

i thought they were small, even on two weeks, but they have continued steadily and never looked unhealthy (to the untrained eye!)

i still have no air vents but being around the plants make sure i open and close the doors a couple times an hour. im trying to find soeone who can lend us a jigsaw at the mo! fund be tight.

so can i go into 12/12 with the 2 x55w cfl i have in there and change to 200w hps at the end of the week? just i dont have that light yet and am travelling for a couple days... would be good to change the cycle now if i can and then up the ante with the lights in a few days - if you get my jist. otherwise i'll leave them on 18/6 for another few days.

thanks for the help and advice :)