top saddest movies


Well-Known Member
ps I love you, where the red fern grows. Those two are wickedly sad esp where the red fern grows with the two coonhounds, I can watch it over and over and I still ball like a baby. PS I love you is great esp for a chcik flick but guys can usually watch it ok. Has some funny parts in it and the scenery from Ireland is awesome.
Dances with wolves is a also sad when they shoot two socks and the horse.


Well-Known Member
bastards anyway huh? I still have to turn my head or leave the room when they get ready to shoot him what an innocent victim

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Yeah seriously, thats my weak spot...really weak spot...anytime a dog is in pain or being treated bad....its so sad :(

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
anyone seen "In Bruges" with Colin Farrel? its pretty sad in the end...
someone mentioned "7 pounds"...definitely fuck! lol just saw it recently...
I just remembered one that really floored me

The Mist (Staring Thomas Jane)

A lot of other sites keep listing "Dance with Fireflies" an animated movie about the post Hiroshima... Going on the queue asap.


Well-Known Member
reign on me with adam sandler , his wife and children die in the 911 attacks.................fucken totaly could not hold the tears completely took me off gaurd, not your typical sandler movie.
............and yea two socks in dances with wolves, thats another tear jerker


Well-Known Member
The ending of American History X got a couple tears outta my eyes, but by far the saddest movie I have recently watched was Marley and Me.

I'm sure like a lot of people, their dogs mean a lot to them, and I hate facing the inevitable that is death. I haven't experienced anyone close to me passing yet, but eventually it will happen, and I will have to face it.

Now I think I'll have a toke. :joint:


Well-Known Member
any 911 documentary gets me going. i wonder why anyone can justify what happened. and i ll tell you what makes me angry, michael moore farenheight 911. i would love to slap the fat fucker!


my wife and i watched 'pay it forward' for the first time a few months back.... first movie to make me cry; alot of them get close now that im a father though


Well-Known Member
Agree with lots of you here on some movies.

Seven Pounds
Green Mile
I am Legend (I cried when Sam died. "Samantha...Samantha...:cry:)
Curious Case of Benjamin Button.

The one that made me cry the most was Benjamin Button.

All great movies though.

Whats with The Notebook?

I've never seen it.
My sister loves that movie. She says she cries everytime.