Top Tips for the end of the girls life?


Well-Known Member
Yo, im coming upto the last week or so of my ladies. Flushed them a few days ago and was just looking for expert hints/tips to finishing her! I mean such things as, 48 hours of dark before chop, when to water up until etc. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as i want maximum effects after 3 months of hard work, would be a shame to finish them wrong and ruin all quality.. Thanks guys :peace:


Active Member
I always water 4 days before i pull out room... that gives my pots enough time to get almost bone dry... i will also hang whole plant for about 12-14 days.. until stems not only almost snap clean but are a brown whiteish tint..


Well-Known Member
24hrs dark before shop
some growers like to not feed for the last few days too,me i like to water up until the 24hr darkness