Well-Known Member
Anyone else happen to get lucky enough to grab all those "TOP SECRET"
and "CLASSIFIED" documents from Wikileaks?!
I did. In fact.. I nabbed a "CLASSIFIED" video. The video will make you cringe and if your a very sensitive person (as I am)... I wouldn't recommend watching the video at all. It's very sad.. watching these innocent people lose their lives.
The video is from an Apache helicopter. It's a long video.. but I have the short version of it. Basically, in a nutshell... it shows the United States Military, firing upon journalist of whom were employed with 'Reuters' publications. These people had NO WEAPONS.. and anyone with a set of eyes.. could CLEARLY see that! One of them.. was clearly carrying a camera over his shoulder.. with a strap attached to it. But the fucking brainless assholes in the Apache helicopter.. (and you can see and hear them talking about it) they kept saying "I want to open fire, permission to fire?"
They were claiming that these people were taliban insurgents.. but in fact they weren't! They were journalists!
I personally have never seen what a .50cal tommy gun can do to a human body... but after seeing this video.. ehhh yeah. They had no chance in hell of surviving. It's a bloody and horrible video to watch. If you want the link.. or the video.. let me know. But again, I warn you... its not edited.. and its VERY VERY graphic.. and if you do happen to watch it.. and it doesn't make you upset.. or touch your heart in some way.. then, IMO... your just as evil and bad.. as these U.S. soldiers that took the lives of these innocent people... who were simply trying to do their job.
It also shows.. a van pulling up a minute or two after the initial engagement and killing of these journalists. The van was simply trying to help these people.. by picking them up and taking them to the nearest hospital to get them help. Not only that.. but inside the passenger side of the van.. were two kids. Both female.. and they end up getting blasted with the .50Cal gun from the Apache helicopter as well. Its a sad video.. and very very graphic video. But, its as close to being there.. as you can get without actually "being" there.
What pissed me off the most.. was once these U.S. soldiers in the Apache helicopter found out what they did... they laughed about it.
Shits getting out of control you guys..
The worlds going to shit.. in a pink paper sack. We have got to pull together.. like we've never done before.. and MAKE A DIFFERENCE! We need to be heard! This shits gotta be put to a stop!!! >
I gotta go smoke a bowl..
P.S. - if you want the link.. just say so.
and "CLASSIFIED" documents from Wikileaks?!
I did. In fact.. I nabbed a "CLASSIFIED" video. The video will make you cringe and if your a very sensitive person (as I am)... I wouldn't recommend watching the video at all. It's very sad.. watching these innocent people lose their lives.
The video is from an Apache helicopter. It's a long video.. but I have the short version of it. Basically, in a nutshell... it shows the United States Military, firing upon journalist of whom were employed with 'Reuters' publications. These people had NO WEAPONS.. and anyone with a set of eyes.. could CLEARLY see that! One of them.. was clearly carrying a camera over his shoulder.. with a strap attached to it. But the fucking brainless assholes in the Apache helicopter.. (and you can see and hear them talking about it) they kept saying "I want to open fire, permission to fire?"
They were claiming that these people were taliban insurgents.. but in fact they weren't! They were journalists!
I personally have never seen what a .50cal tommy gun can do to a human body... but after seeing this video.. ehhh yeah. They had no chance in hell of surviving. It's a bloody and horrible video to watch. If you want the link.. or the video.. let me know. But again, I warn you... its not edited.. and its VERY VERY graphic.. and if you do happen to watch it.. and it doesn't make you upset.. or touch your heart in some way.. then, IMO... your just as evil and bad.. as these U.S. soldiers that took the lives of these innocent people... who were simply trying to do their job.
It also shows.. a van pulling up a minute or two after the initial engagement and killing of these journalists. The van was simply trying to help these people.. by picking them up and taking them to the nearest hospital to get them help. Not only that.. but inside the passenger side of the van.. were two kids. Both female.. and they end up getting blasted with the .50Cal gun from the Apache helicopter as well. Its a sad video.. and very very graphic video. But, its as close to being there.. as you can get without actually "being" there.
What pissed me off the most.. was once these U.S. soldiers in the Apache helicopter found out what they did... they laughed about it.

Shits getting out of control you guys..

The worlds going to shit.. in a pink paper sack. We have got to pull together.. like we've never done before.. and MAKE A DIFFERENCE! We need to be heard! This shits gotta be put to a stop!!! >

I gotta go smoke a bowl..
P.S. - if you want the link.. just say so.