I meant to stop in yesterday when I saw the IG post but got lost in daily BS and forgot. I see y'all saw it and discussed it. I'm OLD SCHOOL and long time smoker. I joined here about 5 years or so ago and this is where I stayed and mostly searched for info I was interested in. None of which was breeders. I only joined IG searching for TD gear.
But this crap is unbelievable. All I can say is I don't want anything to do with people who are going to act like that and I'm talking both sides. I'll never know because I'm not going back and reading or learning about all the arguing to figure out if I cared to take a side. Cause I don't care. All I want is the seeds I desire. As far as that goes I've got a ton now. So I'm not buying anymore anytime soon. For no other reason than I can't bring what I don't pop with me when I die.
I don't know who fucked who or for that matter if anyone was fucked at all. But with the world as small as its gotten and the laws the way they are many peoples lives can be ruined with a phone call or email. I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT

It's hard enough trying to figure out if someone's problem with a breeder is the fact that they can't grow. With situations like these now you've got to consider if haters aren't pissing vinigar for other reasons. Just to ruin someone's business or even scores. I've got no time for either.
We all should be on the same side. For gods sakes let's be serious. If you sell seeds once they're bought that's it! The owner can do anything they fucking want with them. If you're a breeder and you swap cuts and have an agreement sure it should be followed by both. But if someone doesn't follow that agreement the person to be angry with is yourself! You made a bad choice in who you trusted! That's it don't trust him again!
If you've got the gold and don't want it to be grown by others you don't sell seeds! You don't sell or share cuts! You sell product any way you choose to legal or illegal and keep you genes!
But to think that me or anyone else should pay 300 or 10 bucks for seeds and think at the end of one grow we need to buy more isn't logical or reasonable. If a gem(s) is found by a quality grower who wants to be a breeder. You better believe it's ok to do so. I personally would give props to where I acquired the genetics. However if that breeder acted like a child I probably wouldn't give props and I'd rename it and carry on. But to think that a friend finding and sharing bag seeds makes you the sole provider after decades of seed distribution is insane. The only way to do that is provide a better product at a reasonable "market" rate while holding and gain market share!
I've said it before I'll say it again. If JJ wants to rule the chem world then there's a few things he has to do. But even those things won't eliminate others it would just decrease the likelihood someone would buy them elsewhere.
1- Make sure you've ALWAYS got stock
2- Don't price yourself out of the market
3- be nice to customers
4- access needs to be good and efficient
5- make sure no one provides a better product than you
6- Never lose site of your bread winners
7- Don't shit where you sleep
8- in this day in age you need to be visable and available for questions.
9- follow any and all company threads
10- Never let gossip or a bad experience by one go unchallenged. As long as your statements are valid you'll be fine.
11- That IG rant isn't what I had in mind for #10
I had no idea about this crap when I told JJ last round about this. I just don't like people talking behind people's back especially when posting conversations. Even though it wasn't private I thought it was at the time. Because what I have learned out of these spats is that it doesn't matter to him. Or he would have come here last time and said something! I guess I should say that's what I would have done. There are PLENTY of places to buy seeds. Most of which are cheaper than TD but that doesn't mean they produce a lesser product. Its not a privilege to be able to buy seeds and once you do it's yours to do with as you wish.