toping plants


Well-Known Member
i had 5 plants under a 4 fixture T5 hood, and i was moving it up and i dropped 1 half of it smashing 2 of my plants and it broke the new growth off of 2 of my plants, my plants are about 8 inch's tall. will they give me anything if i let them veg out for a few more weeks there hella bushy and have ALOT of banchs comming off them. all the plants that had the new growth broke off have 3 sets of 7 leaves.


Well-Known Member
there just so short, is it worth even budding them i dont wanna put unessary hours on my light


Active Member
ya if you "unintentionally" topped them they will get bushy and after a week or so start gaining heigth.


Active Member
a plant will never just grow out its whole life and not up. try raising the light a lil so they stretch twords it