toping ur plant off but not really

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Active Member
i herd of this method throught a friend i am not sure if it works out the way he explained he said its like topping off cz u cut the top nod off from the stem but the difference is when u do it u cut right above where the stem ends and new leaves begin he explained when u do this the plant will instead of sprouting 2 new leaves it will sprout four can anyone varify this method?


Well-Known Member
yes thats right its funny how u have asked ive done it 2 my nl plant just an hour ago
ive top im twice i think its called fim


Well-Known Member
Topping is tricky because different strains respond differently to it. Cut the emerging node and you now have 2 main stalks instead of one starting right where you cut. if you then top another node on each of the ones thats sprang from the first cut, you will have 4 main branches, which means 4 main colas. The reason i say it is tricky is because I've seen plants of the same variety where some had been topped and some hadn't, the ones that had produced 4 main colas alright, but all 4 did not equal the size of the one giant cola on the untopped plant. However, some plants will just get 4 giant colas instead 4 wimpy ones. it all depends on the plant. definitely dont do it to every single one. try it on a couple and see how they respond. if it works well I top that variety evert time, if not, i just go for a totem pole


Well-Known Member
i just did the method on my 9 baby plants and i got it to work on 4 of them. Its all about where you make that percision cut on the plant


Well-Known Member
I fimed my mother plants, i had like 7 tops for each mother. The thing i dident like is you get more tops but the stems are alot thinner