topped and now 3 heads?


Well-Known Member
i need some of them seeds, what would be the nearest seeds to get, that will look like that, i love all the colours, its like the buds are transparent.
Original strains used to cross over the past 8 years in the correct order that i used them were:
White widow.
Snow White.
Blueberry(Male pollen only)
Matanuska Tundra.

So it is unlikely that you will find any weed exactly like mine anywhere but with my above list you may be able to find others who have made similar crosses or buy some of the above and create your own.
I have decided not to sell or give away any seeds until it is legal for me to do so.
I am going to try to live in Amsterdam eventually and then i will sell them.
The above plants are no where near my strongest strain,but are very strong still and give a great yield from the big bud gentics:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
that shit should be in a bowl,,,,,,,,, dammmm,, I bet your house smells better than mine........


Well-Known Member
I know how mine smell,,, so they must be pungant, to say the least... need to bottle that aroma and market it,,,,,,,,,


Well-Known Member
I think his name says it all CRAZY MENTAL, those pics are SOOOOOOO BAD I'm gettin a headache from trying to focus on them LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smoke another one and try try again


Well-Known Member
stut up .
hahahahaha my name is crazy mental.hahahaha . so that must make me.crazy.hahahah. or yes and my cameras not good. thats lol lol sooooo fucking funny.


Well-Known Member
I dont get it... I payed 350.00 for my camera and I have yet to take a really good pic.... I definately have 0 camera skills............


Well-Known Member
I dont get it... I payed 350.00 for my camera and I have yet to take a really good pic.... I definately have 0 camera skills............
If it helps anyone what i do to get good shots from my camera is select self portrait mode and get as close as i can to the weed and then i use photoshop to zoom in on the picture and then crop it as a new pic.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
try holding te shutter half way down it should self adjust then push it all the way down and if you have a macro setting witch you should put it on it gives better close ups. i have a 7.2 sony it was 200$ and yours should make mine look stuped read the book it came with experiment but try holding the shutter half way down for a second then push it all the way down let me know if it helps


Well-Known Member
Yeah i always use the half way pressed button tip and then my camera locks on and bleeps and i get a green box or boxes around the pot so i know it will focus well and then fully press the button all the way down and it will take a better pic.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
how many meg pic is yours nat?.
I have a fairly cheap kodak z710 camera,picked it up for 129 quid(260 dollars).
Its only 7.1 mp but has an excellent lens.
Taking good pics is somewhat trial and error really and all depends on light and angles.
I always take a load of shots and just see which ones are the best.:blsmoke:

P.S. I sometimes also increase the pixel resolution with photoshop if i want to zoom in on trics but this makes the pics so large that i cannot upload them anyway.
I did one pic the other day and it was about 500 megabytes in the end for one pic,no good for roll it up,lol.


Well-Known Member
this is a pic of one of the plants im budding right now, it had four shoots very shortly after i chopped it and i think its normal. I tied the other growth down to the sides of the pots and they are growing bigger colas now and they get alot more light.
They look fine i wouldnt worry about it, im trying to see what gives me the most bud 4 smaller ones or my other plant with ONE BIG one:)



Well-Known Member
well ive got 5 plants i topped em all. a plant goes from the top.1/2/4 but when topped 2/2/4 but one i topped is 3/4/4. seems to have lots more than the others and there all the same size age ect...
cannot wait till its time to flower.


Well-Known Member
this is a pic of one of the plants im budding right now, it had four shoots very shortly after i chopped it and i think its normal. I tied the other growth down to the sides of the pots and they are growing bigger colas now and they get alot more light.
They look fine i wouldnt worry about it, im trying to see what gives me the most bud 4 smaller ones or my other plant with ONE BIG one:)
the more colas nearer to the lite is bound to be better, unless you have more than 1 lite over the top of em.
thats why im starting a scrog, so more colas are all the same and all get equal lite. its comman sense more colas near the lite = more even buds. as aposed to just 1 cola, getting the brunt of the lite. well thats what i think.
kay. is that you in avitar.pic?.