Topped my plants 11 days ago and have a few questions.

Hello all, a little background info: I'm new to this site and new to growing. I experimented with some indoor plants about ten years ago when i was in my late teens and have never had any outdoors. As for my questions, I topped my 2 plants, both females, 11 days ago to keep them short for security reasons as I live in Florida and the MJ laws here are a fucking joke! (I was released from prison about 8 months ago for MJ) When they forked into 2 tops they grew about 2" and then one top split off again on its own into 2 more tops and the other one split off into 3 tops. This happened to both of my plants and now they seem to be repeating that process again. So although I want them short I would still like some decent height off of them, just not too much. Did I Top Them to soon? Also, they started growing side shoots and they are catching up to the tops and it seems like the overall height of the plants are growing very slow because all of theese tops are competing against eachother. Is there anything I can do to achieve some more vertical growth? If I cut some of the side shoots will that help or will that cause more of the issue I'm having? By the way the plants are like little squat bushes that are only a foot tall and are in five gal buckets. Debating if i should put them in the ground or not but I like being able to move them into a screen room at night due to heavy rains and lots of critters running around. Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appriciated! Thanks


Another question :) The temps have been mid 90's with mid to high humidity everyday! Could that be affecting the growth? (I'm not originally from Fl and it's extremely fuckin hot down here!)


Well-Known Member
Why are you growing weed again if you already got in trouble for it?
If i had a past that involved weed and jail time I would choose not to grow.
Good Luck-


Active Member
thats what topping does. makes all the side shoots think there the top shoot if you know what i mean? also those temps are too hot, i wouldnt go above 85 myself and 90 is a danger area for mj temps. 75 is ideal.

yea why are you growing if youve been done for it before?
Well I was locked up for MJ but I wasn't growing it. I've been smoking since I was a kid and I'll continue to smoke till the day I die! Also since I like to smoke and will continue I refuse to buy it from anyone, period! So I plan on learning a bit from this grow and then I will set up something indoors. I am also being overly cautious, I'm sure I could find a few spots to stick some more plants considering I live on a secluded 5 acre property but am only doing the two and they are very well hidden. I currently do not have any of the indoor equiptment on the property and it will not come on the property until the outdoor plants are gone. This is my best option since I'm not from here and can't trust anybody to buy it from. Thanks for the comment though.


Active Member
Temp shouldn't be a problem so much in FL. The high humidity and constant air flow helps cool them. As for the height of your plants don't worry they'll fill in nicely in a few weeks under the FL. sun.
@Buick, thanks for the input:) They do get a good breeze and I dug a hole to place the bucket so the top of it sits even with the ground. Also stuck a couple clay bricks to sit the bucket on so the drainage holes I drilled get some airflow and I use a thin breathable fabric stretched accross the span of the hole with some native soil and some grass clippings sprinkled on it for camo.



Active Member
I've grown trees in that damn FL heat. Shit most of the best weed in the world originated in tropical climates.