Topped! plant! 1 month old. 25 days flowering.


Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];938819 said:
thanks man. this is my 2nd grow. the first to i did. one was male and cut "him" down. the 2nd one was that plant before this one. and now this one? am i making sense here? or am i a dumb stoner lol?
You probably are a dumb stoner too, but I for one understood what you said, perhaps.......because, I too am stoned.....lolbongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
lol I understood ya. I started cycling nutes every 3rd feeding now .. the results are very good. I used the cfl bars I had for my vegg stage to add some bottom and multi-spectrumed lighting to my hps setup.. Day 2 of flowering for me!


Well-Known Member
i been good. just chillin. idk when to harvest man. the hairs at the top cola are finially turning color.all the lower buds are covered in crystals and the hairs are red. im just confussed. last plant i had could have stayed flowering for like another few weeks. so i dont wanna fuck this one up. i wanna cut it down. have it all cured by my birthday next month. hopefully all turns out for the best. i think ima chop her down this weekend. and get my next seedling going=]!


Well-Known Member
Yah chop it! hahah Then youll at least be able to smoke it. If th trichs are getting
milky then go for it. Youll at the very least have a good up beat stone in your buds! But I think this weekend youll be ready to go and get some goooood buds ;p


Well-Known Member
haha. this weekend....mhmmm chop this bitch ahah. i got a chronic seed im germanating.=] im too stoned to fuckin spell right. anyways. you wanan see some pics? anyone???


Well-Known Member
[BionicChronic];941292 said:
haha. this weekend....mhmmm chop this bitch ahah. i got a chronic seed im germanating.=] im too stoned to fuckin spell right. anyways. you wanan see some pics? anyone???
Yea let's see. :joint:


Well-Known Member
gonna chop her soon. gonna give her a week for the tops to swell more. in the last 72 hours. she got fatt. really fatt. hopefully keep gettin fat for the next week i hope. but here are some pics. twin towers???=] haha and well all the leafs that are lookin like fan leafs, arent fan leafs.. those grew outta the buds. kinda looks like fan leafs right? haha. well the lower buds are gettin red hairs now. turning to a dark orange.=] i gently touched one of the lower buds and squeezed it alil bit. my fingers are soo sticky and smelly. its gonan be some dank=] hopefully you guys dont get grossed out of how i let the leafs get=[ heat stresS? its gone now tho. the newer leafs growing outta the top cola are green as can been=] hope you guys and girls like the new pics. just took them a few minutes ago=]:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
its not ready, give it another 3 weeks and add more lights :-)

edit: and thats definitely nute burn. U should start feeding her ph'd water only now. and every other feeding add a few drops of superthrive OR a cpl table spoons of molasses.
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Well-Known Member
ights. im only letting her go another week. cuz i should have cut her down 2 weeks ago. cuz my buddy finished and chopped his down and i started 3 weeks before him.
and thats heat streess man. its not nut burn cuz i hardly feed her. i took my fan out like 3 weeks ago for 2 weeks. and thats when they started to get hot and burn cuz i got the cfls so close. but she is recovered from the burn and she is lookin good. smelly=]


Well-Known Member
She is starting to fatten up nice, but I'd have to agree with Spittin4cash on what he said.
Give her at least a couple more weeks and maybe try the blackstrap mollasses.
I'm sure you'll be happier with her then.

Just my humble opinion, of course.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Its good to see a fellow brazilian growing some dank nugs..

Shit looks AWESOME bionic

Let us know how she smokes!!

Peace Brutha,