
Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Well I want this mother plant small and bushy as hell, so at (39 days old) I topped the plant four nodes down out of 9 so the 5th node up. Its now about a foot and a half tall with 10 branches. I HOPE I DID IT CORRECTLY?!


Well-Known Member
jesus christ its guna take a while to get out of schock lol one more node down and it woulda been deead! you cant cut off 50% or more of the green man... you could have cut off the top node , of fimmed it ( cut off 80% of the very very top new little leaves new growth and get 4 -8 tops now you jsut beatup your plant , and ur using cfl man , your going to have weak green you need hps or mh

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
jesus christ its guna take a while to get out of schock lol one more node down and it woulda been deead! you cant cut off 50% or more of the green man... you could have cut off the top node , of fimmed it ( cut off 80% of the very very top new little leaves new growth and get 4 -8 tops now you jsut beatup your plant , and ur using cfl man , your going to have weak green you need hps or mh
SHIT!. Yea but Its going to be used for a mother plant so It has allot of time. I want it small and bushy so I think it will work out... Only time will tell.


Active Member
Yes it should be bushy, I have topped up to four times on my others, I can not say if doing more than that is bad or good but generally the more you do it the bushier it will be. If the foliage gets real dense you will need good strong lights and ventilation to prevent mold.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Yes it should be bushy, I have topped up to four times on my others, I can not say if doing more than that is bad or good but generally the more you do it the bushier it will be. If the foliage gets real dense you will need good strong lights and ventilation to prevent mold.
How long will it take to get out of shock? When will the branches start growing?


Active Member
Really depends on the conditions like I said. If you got a 600+HID with good ventilation it should only take a week max to recover. After you top the plant it sends hormones to the leaf that was going to be two single fan blades and it tells it to make two sets of fan blades instead.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Really depends on the conditions like I said. If you got a 600+HID with good ventilation it should only take a week max to recover. After you top the plant it sends hormones to the leaf that was going to be two single fan blades and it tells it to make two sets of fan blades instead.
Shit so instead of hormones going to the branches it will go to the cut:cuss:. FUCK. When I was told to cut the first 2 nodes I miss interpreted what that ment. I'm gonna look up the names for the parts of the plant before I screw up on something else!

Thanks for you help I appreciate it.


Active Member
You did it right, maybe I confused you. The two branches at the top that were going to be branches are now going to make two colas instead of one. Understand?

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Really depends on the conditions like I said. If you got a 600+HID with good ventilation it should only take a week max to recover. After you top the plant it sends hormones to the leaf that was going to be two single fan blades and it tells it to make two sets of fan blades instead.
If I FIM it today instead of topping I think it would be to tall for my liking, and I would regret that I didn't FIM it when it was a foot and a half tall. So this could be a second chance for the perfect hight to FIM it.

So when it recovers When would be the soonest I could FIM it?

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
You did it right, maybe I confused you. The two branches at the top that were going to be branches are now going to make two colas instead of one. Understand?
Ok I thought you ment the part where I cut would develop 2 leaves and that would take all the plants energy and direct the hormones to that instead of the lower branches.


Active Member
It is all preference. I have never topped and fimmed the same plant. Generally the only time I top a plant is to let the others catch up in growth. It has been my personal experience that you get right around the same amount of bud regardless of method. If you want a short bushy plant (usually for a mother) you can top, if you want a lot of colas you can fim, if you want single large colas and a bunch of nuggets just let her be as is.

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
It is all preference. I have never topped and fimmed the same plant. Generally the only time I top a plant is to let the others catch up in growth. It has been my personal experience that you get right around the same amount of bud regardless of method. If you want a short bushy plant (usually for a mother) you can top, if you want a lot of colas you can fim, if you want single large colas and a bunch of nuggets just let her be as is.
Thank you! I can finally breathe. so the only way it will grow taller is the two branches and nothing in the middle will grow?

Irie Hawaii

Well-Known Member
jesus christ its guna take a while to get out of schock lol one more node down and it woulda been deead! you cant cut off 50% or more of the green man... you could have cut off the top node , of fimmed it ( cut off 80% of the very very top new little leaves new growth and get 4 -8 tops now you jsut beatup your plant , and ur using cfl man , your going to have weak green you need hps or mh
I think you exaggerated just a little. In the grower bible it says you can cut two nodes down. Your not helping me by tripping out and (LOL), you could have been allot more calm about it. Shit you almost gave me a fucking heart attack. You trip out like a middle age woman.