It scared me shitless at first. One straight up split into 4 parts an was wide open. They are strange as hell, but it makes sense biologicaly wise. The inside of the stem is hollow, its all of the long fibers that transport nutes and water. When you super crop you basically bruise them and then bend it over. It works best with newer growth because it gets soft and folders over fine. But you can do it to jankedy old stems. Just pinch and bruise as best you can, then fold over. If it splits and looks terrible, its fine (unless your significantly at risk of mold, thne it can be an issue, but in general is fine). When they heal it up, they make a knot basically and its much stronger and can support a lot more weight. For long branches, its great for that support at the top, so it doesnt break. It just makes the plant stronger and bushier. I strongly recommend it. It scared me to, I promise, but now I do it like its going out of style. I wouldnt reccomend it to late in flowering, but the first few weeks of flowering, its almost a good idea to fuck up the branches to get strange results.