Topping a plant more than once?


Such a newbie question...I've already topped my plants once. This caused the main stem to stop growing, and promoted growth for 4 new stems. How do I top it again? Top all 4 stems or just one of them? Would this promote even more stems, or would this harm my plant?


Well-Known Member
Once growth starts up on your 4 stems, they should all have growth tips.. You would pinch each of those and get 8 ...


Well-Known Member
Trim and train evenly. If you cut one, cut all. Keep the canopy even. The plant will handle many rounds of pruning should you choose to do so, just wait a couple weeks between cuts.

E Scrizz

Well-Known Member
If you top the four new ones it will make them V off into 8 arms. Keep in mind, the more times you top the plant, the smaller the tops are gonna be. Also, when you top it, for a day or two, most of the energy is focused on repairing and creating those new arms. MODERATION IS KEY. For me, the most times i top my plant is two, because after eight top growth nodes or so, your nugs start to get really small. Good luck and i hope this helped.