topping a plant!!!!!!


i was wondering is a node the branches of the plant ,:confused:so if i want to top at the 4th node does that mean just above the 4th branch pinch off


Active Member
i was wondering is a node the branches of the plant ,:confused:so if i want to top at the 4th node does that mean just above the 4th branch pinch off
Basically, yes. Pinch off right above the 4th branch, and those 4 should all stretch to try and fight for dominance, resulting in 4 major colas, rather than 1. Sometimes one doesn't catch up and you wind up with 3 (especially with clones).

I've actually topped plants twice before (topping each of the original 4 branches). It ended up with something like 8-11 top colas.


I appreciate the help also i was wondering my plants are 1 month and a week old and stand a liitle over a foot is it safe to go ahead and top or should i wait a littl bit also how long does it take to get to the flowering stage im not inpatient i just want good bud so im making for sure but once again i aapreciate the help!


Active Member
griff4real- you can start flowering can force a plant to flower only being 5 inches tall. i topped my plant when it was only 6 inches tall and it didnt damage the plant at all.


Well-Known Member
I appreciate the help also i was wondering my plants are 1 month and a week old and stand a liitle over a foot is it safe to go ahead and top or should i wait a littl bit also how long does it take to get to the flowering stage im not inpatient i just want good bud so im making for sure but once again i aapreciate the help!
Go ahead and top away bro. You can even induce flowering now if you want. Depending on how big you want your yield and plant, it's all up to you.


Well-Known Member
A better way to bush your plants out is super-cropping. Topping a plant leaves you with 2 growing shoots instead of just one. Super-cropping means you still get two growth shoots, but you also aren't taking a growth shoot away by pinching it off. In other words, super-cropping gives you 3 growth shoots.


how can i induse flowering? after i top do i adding a blooming agent t o start the floweringi have Miracle grow bloom booster 15-30-15 i know alot of people say that miracle grow is shit so would u suggest on me going to a store that carry's nutes and pick a better brand also i didnt add any bone meal to my soil when i planted a month and a week ago so yesterday i scraped some top soil off about a inch and added bonemeal to the soil put some fresh top soil back on and gave a good watering i hope that was ok to do but one more thing so when i start my flowering does that mean it will flower from there on out till i harvest and how long do i keep adding my blooming nute sorry for so many ? just want to get it right.


Well-Known Member
You induce flowering by switching your light cycle to 12/12 (instead of 18/6 or 24/0). Plants need complete darkness when its lights out time. This is when they do most of their growing, so do not interupt their sleep ;)

As for MG, i think it's mainly the soil that people have a problem with (gnats in some bags). The nutes are decent just remember to flush 2 weeks before harvest.


Well-Known Member
Not a big deal man, the plant will need time to regrow. For future reference it's best to top at the node you want when it pops up. So if you wanted to top at the 4th, dont wait till the plant has six nodes to top. Top when the 4th grows. If you top at the 5th true node, you will get around 8 main colas.


Well-Known Member
Hm, you did take a bit much off now that I saw the trimmed pic, you should've took off the node above that, but your plant should recover. Just learn from your mistakes bro :) shit happens. Good luck.


went and checked on them after having two days to heal up andthey looked good, already got alot of new growth coming from the two nodes so hopefully it's a female and ill have two big skunky colas!

Brick Top

New Member
you did a realy bad job. you took half the plant off.... do some research
From Uncle Ben's Topping Technique: (just a short bit)

"To get 4 main colas, let your seedling or cutting (clone) grow to about 5-6 nodes and pinch out (cut) the stem just above the 2nd true node. The node where the cotyledons attach doesn't count. The result will be a redistribution of the auxins and other hormones that normally collect in the tissue of the terminal leader's tip. These ho moans will be redistributed to dormant buds that reside in the nodal axis where the leaf petiole attaches to the "trunk", below the cut. The new foliar output response will be quick (within 24 hrs., see photo below) if you have a healthy growing seedling and will be your future main colas - 4 instead of the usual 1:"

If someone will be growing to 5 or 6 nodes and cutting back to just above the second node they will likely be removing half or more than half their plant. But that is how it is done.
when you cut off the clone to get 4 main colas, how long should you veg after the cut? or do you send it straight to 12/12 flowering?


Well-Known Member
when you cut off the clone to get 4 main colas, how long should you veg after the cut? or do you send it straight to 12/12 flowering?
Wait like 2 weeks for your plant to heal up from the stress you just did to it. If you send it into flowering right after, you can over-stress it and turn it into a hermie.