topping an inner branch?


Well-Known Member
but the thing is I dont have any green stem like you do, mine is like redish and hard! Im not sure if itll bend that easy ):
*well go gently at first.. if you feel tearing instead of the typical crunching sound.. then yea.. guess your chicks arent made to be spanked :(


Well-Known Member
Lol awww lame!
Do you think ti will do anything at all? or just continue to grow back like normal? or stop?


Well-Known Member
Well This is my first good grow so far, so Ill let you guys know if it does branch off and make 2 tops per say, lol

I dont really expect it do do anything, it would be cool to see it branch offf though


Well-Known Member
yes, remove the weak shit .. i agree with the other post, unless those side shoots are near the top coming from a cola or an upper branch getting good direct light , remove all that skinny weak growth near the bottom of the plant
you only need keep the most lush healthy/thick branches to produce a consistent yield of colas .. i remove branches/leaves to shape the overall canopy to allow even light and air distribution .. my plants grow pretty big so i often have nothing at all for the bottom 6 inch/1ft all growth removed, to only allow bud growth at the top of the canopy where the most intense light is

i call those types of shoots/branches "side shoots" its lateral branching something like that .. :)
some plants have the tendency to grow many long side shoots from each branch, ive found this a good trait as all these plants produced many buds sites all over the plants and were high yields, these multi side shoot plants are great for scog .. cant say i have ever thought of topping a side shoot though :)


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks man!

Well ima wait a week and see what it does you never know... maybe itll create a whole new plant! lol yea right

its just an experiment, I think thats the best way to learn, see what you can and cant do to a plant :P


yadefintiely tri that up all your power comes from the bottom its like an inline perch all the smoke goes out the first 3 or 4 slits in the glass because its first in line like the little buds on the bottom of the plant..


Well-Known Member
yeh i agree its all fun, getting in and seeing what she can take
bending pruning etc etc i like all that, much better than those who are so afraid to do anything to their plants in fear they will stress them to death lol , get in and learn i say :mrgreen: