Topping? FIM?


Well-Known Member
Are these techniques the same i,m familiar with FIM but is that the same as topping?If not what is it?When is best to do it?:peace:

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
Topping is removing the main growing shoot, above the desired node, in order to stimulate growth in branches directly beneath where you topped. This can be done to attain 2 or 4 main colas, or to create a bushy plant.

I prefer LST (tying down) and supercropping (controlled bending/snapping) to fimming or topping because I don't like removing the largest budding portion of the plant (the apical tip of the meristem, what you are removing when you fim or top). There are many ways to manipulate the plant into growing however you want without actually cutting away anything. Having said that, I do remove the lower branches that receive little light in order to increase bud production up top where the hps is abundant.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info ! + rep . I,m a few days into flowering .What can i do to manipulate growth or should all of this be done during veg?


Just followed some advice re-cropping as my flowering lady was too close to HID and no room to make lamp higher. I bent top of plant very gently but the weight must've stressed it as it now looks as though it's dying (the bit I bent that is) - it's just hanging there looking so sad and droopy! What can I do? Help !!!

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I supercrop and lst the entire way throughout the grow. My plants are often way too large for my undersized flowering space, so I have to make on-the-fly adjustments constantly. If a branch gets too tall, I just pick a good spot, angle it appropriately, pinch around the spot where I want to bend and then bend it to at least 90 degrees.

You never want to top or fim during flower though. But you can manipulate the plant otherwise all way through harvest.