Topping!!.......Just a little dicusion involving topping


Active Member
im new to topping ,so defo want to give it a go for better results ,iv just planted my cuttings ,been in for a few days so very small, at what time would be best to top these suckers .how many weeks old would you say .



Active Member
lollipopping is simple u know the growth on the bottom that ends up being small buds well just cut off all the growth on the bottom that dont get light instead if the plant using that energy on small nugs on the bottom or were light doesnt penetrate instead the plant will focus its growth into the bigger colas it helps alot. FIMing is the same as topping i think no difference really. Here's a few youtube videos that should help u guys alot got some useful information.


thanks for the advice merk this is all really useful and this posting is very informative to both beginner and seasoned growers thanks to everybody for their input and by all means keep it coming the great thing about this site is the ability to comunicate about different topics/problems/ideas/tricks and discuss the whole issue and get more than one persons opinion on it.Together we will make a data bank for growers of all stature and people will be able to learn to be pros without having to leave their computer.

There will be more topics to come regarding a wide selection of different growing techniques were everyone will be able to have their say so keep yourself posted guys and thanks again for all the info!!


I just started the second set of topping on my two (already topped once) tops so give it about a week and ill post some more pics up in this forum once again if any of you have any pics to add when i get enough im going to set up a little photo step by step on the before/after pro's/cons of topping so keep posting the pics guys


also i was wondering i have a plant thats in her 5th week of flowering i have some branches that have some smaller buds on the bottom now if i were to lollipop her would it be okay or wise to do that in the 5th week of if i do it would it have enough time to channel the energy to the bigger buds??


Active Member
thii wasnt exactly sure about the whole topping thing im new to growing and im on my first grow right now and this really helped alot thanks guys


also i was wondering i have a plant thats in her 5th week of flowering i have some branches that have some smaller buds on the bottom now if i were to lollipop her would it be okay or wise to do that in the 5th week of if i do it would it have enough time to channel the energy to the bigger buds??
Does anyone have any advice for me here like should i chop off all the tiny little buds that i wont get much off of anyways to get m,ore energy for the bigger buds or am i already to far into flowering to make a difference


Active Member
soundguy i've never personaly done it that late into flower so im not gonna recommend this one because it might cause to much stress on a plant an hermie so idk man i would just leave it alone bud


alright i will man i did take off a couple of really really tiny bud thats werent getting any light tho but i didnt take off much so she should be great i hate the wait of the last few weeks tho lol!!


i find topping mother plants help produce more available clones so if your topping just to take clones if you keep topping your plants it will have more clones to take off of it


Well-Known Member
here is my g-13 haze 66 days 12/12 after 6 weeks 18/6 from seed, i hadnt cut off any tops or nothing i had only been tieing down and cutting off shit little growth could i acheived more by toppin , fim. i read u dont need to cut off a plant to make it grow more just bend it to such a degree it tricks it this what i done with this just kept tieing top down then so on with all branches. so as i tie top down to such degree another branch tries to be the top then so on as i tie that down