Topping!!.......Just a little dicusion involving topping


this is one of my topped clones i topped her about 3 weeks ago i just topped again last night so the other branches should show up in a few days.......i just tried adding pics but its not letting me at the moment so as soon AS im able to i will add them



There we go guys these are my first two plants i ever topped not to shabby for my first time might i add hahaha.....the one on the left(the very very first one i topped :) ) i just finished topping the two new tops today so i will end up with a total of 4 tops now ill post more pics when they start to show lemme know what you think guys!!


please post pics guys like i said before i wanna create a little thing on topping so i need your pics guys if you have em please send putting together a big thing on different techniques thats growers can use for different ligthing options,grow room specifics,and just all around taste in style of growing so please help me out guys it will benifit growers like you in the end :bigjoint: happy toking