Topping & LST with White Widow


Active Member
hi all:

i have 3 ww plants that out-grew their box, height wise....

i topped 2 of them and left one

all have extreme sativa characteristics (nirvana shop).... so i started having to tie them down right at the beginning of flowering period (as they were touching the light).... now i'm 30 days into flowering.... the bud development seems slow compared other grow journals ive seen here with the strain at the same time period....

so the question i pose; does lst (during the early flowering stage) just slow growth? or complete fuck up the plant chemistry?

please advise



Well-Known Member
u should do all ur pruning and bending in veg stage.. early flower is still ok but it does stress the plant out cuasing delays inorder to heal itsself rather then focusing on bud production....i would say ur a week behind because of this but u shoudl see lots of bud production int he next 2 weeks.. hope this helps... btw how close is the plant now to the light what are ur temps at pot level and at the top of ur plant?


Active Member
yeah thats wot i would guess.... the white hairs are dense but there are no trichromes forming on the leaves yet... like no bud formation, just huge groups of white hairs....

now its about 10 inches away (i have a reflector with duct work and a fan removing heat, and the light is behind glass no temp problems but the glass gets hot), temp ranges from 60 at night to 78 during the day, top of the plant i would say low 80's, or the high 70's, depending how i set up my climate control


Well-Known Member
yea sounds about right u will for sure see bud formation in the next few critial weeks just how much is the question.... looks like u got ur temps right.. good luck there is relaly nuthing u can do but feed ur plant correctly as the damage done previousl y is irreverisbale now


Active Member
yeah i figure its just really behind, as you said, just wanted to confirm i didnt cause any critical damage... ill post back here in a few weeks to let u know how they turned out.... i heard ww needs a while anyway (10 weeks?)....... so this could drag it out to 12....

thx for your help..

well wishes


Well-Known Member
awesome id love to see .... thats actually a great idea push them an extra week or 2 to make up for that lost week... this also reminds me of something i heard recently maybe it would work for u as i have a feeling u have lots of bottom branches... he said when his plants are ready to harvest he cuts the cola off, takes a non scented candle and drips wax to seal the cut then he pushes his plants an extra week allowign the bottom branches to dense up... i cant confirm or deny as i havnt tried myself but it does come from an expeaince grower...goodluck with everythgn