

Active Member
I just topped my 3 week old plant yesterday, and am wanting to do LST as well, how long should I let the plant recup before I begin?


Well-Known Member
IMHO(might just be me) But I would give it at least 3 days > a Week maybe, less chance of stressing and Hermies..


Oh, you can get stuff like Alg-A-Mic(BioBizz) and Heaven and these(or at least 1 of them? Baked again!!) is good for Stress relief? I think its the Algy? seaweed extract...could be wrong..




Well-Known Member
I just topped my 3 week old plant yesterday, and am wanting to do LST as well, how long should I let the plant recup before I begin?
As soon as your axillary buds start growing your 2 new terminals shoots you can start training them outwards. Topping is not near as stressful as most would imagine. I don't think it's much of a stress at all. Mow your yard, top your plants, all the same.


Well-Known Member
The plant can't turn into a hermaphrodite when its not in flowering and they can take a butchering with broken crushed stems, multiple toppings/defoliation for bonsai purposes. just do what you want with it as long as it has some leaves to keep photosynthesizing and respiring.