topping my Plant


Well-Known Member
wat up guyz,
i wanted 2 kno if i topped my plant right now wud it just get bushy or wud it jus get taller. It is already jus alittle over 3 feet tall & I dont want it to get too much taller... Any Advice?

Give Thanks.:joint:


Active Member
the idea behind topping a plant is to encourage nodes to grow out, where you chop the main stem at the top you will get 2 nodes (1 on each side, so yea, topping your plant will increase its density, not its height! however when you do top, don't take it into flowering for at least 2 weeks


Well-Known Member
yeah i thought so, but this is an outdoor grow, and i dont want it to get too tall bcause of the fact of THEIVES. do u think that it will still grow tall if i top them..?


Active Member
No, it won't grow up thats the idea of topping, to keep it growing out, not up! so top it if you want a fat plant, which you do. you want to top it where you already see two nodes appearing, that way you will know that you have growth there already! Hope that helps