TOPPING plants....what is it and why?


Active Member
Ive seen a couple posts now where people are wnating flowering, so they "top" the plant. What is this and why do you do it? when do you top your plants?


Active Member
Topping the plant involves cutting the main stem at the top of its growth. This causes a hormonal change which the side shoots to grow higher, resulting in more tops. Some strains will yield more, some will yield the same, others will lose a lot of weight. It is not an across the board good idea.


Active Member
well, i have topped two of my smaller, less aggsresive grown plants. Day 3, no bushiness yet. Ill give it a couple weeks to see results.
When is the best time to top? My girl is outdoors and still in a growing stage. Should i top before she starts budding?


Well-Known Member
the best time to top is when the plant has reached 5 or 6 true nodes. And yes, you must top before flowering so that the plant has time to recover and grow the new stalks.

Read the link i posted earlier


Active Member
is it too late in the season to top off and expect a bounce back before mother nature starts triggering flowering?


Well-Known Member
the best time to top is when the plant has reached 5 or 6 true nodes. And yes, you must top before flowering so that the plant has time to recover and grow the new stalks.

Read the link i posted earlier
Just pointing out the obvious, but it doesn't appear as a link when you enter it that way. The reader has to mouse over to realize it is a link....

that is a great tutorial on how and why to top. Does that work as well with Indicas?