Topping Should I Or Not


Active Member
ok so i was wondering if i top my plants would i get a bigger uield and how would i top the plant sorry first time grower have 6 plants left so far 4 have showed to be females pretty stoked



Well-Known Member
Some plants produce more when topped, others won't. I would definately try topping at least 1 plant to see how it responds. Where the newest set of leaves are coming out, cut the stem just below them. If this was your top ( Y ) cut at the bottom of the __Y__.


Well-Known Member
Some plants produce more when topped, others won't. I would definately try topping at least 1 plant to see how it responds. Where the newest set of leaves are coming out, cut the stem just below them. If this was your top ( Y ) cut at the bottom of the __Y__.
there you go. :mrgreen: