Topping White Widow, Blueberry, and White Diesel?


Active Member
I've heard some strains don't respond well to topping. I've got some White Widow, Blueberry, and White Diesel from feminized seeds.

Does anyone have any input on topping these strains? Thanks


Well-Known Member
I've heard Blueberry requires topping for optimum yield. The others I don't know about.

when you say topping off does that mean i cut all the leaves that are grown under the lower half or what? how do i know what leaves to cut off and branches? :joint:


Well-Known Member
I would learn how to grow before topping. Topping is no good any ways. Its will make your yield smaller. A few and i say a few strains may help by toppin but a few.


Well-Known Member
what are you talking about....If you top a bud site you get at least how is that making your yeild smaller..Topping is highly encouraged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11


Well-Known Member
I've seen in several places that BB needs topping. I noticed because I've grown it and still have seeds, so, although it was too late to do last time, I'll try it next time.
I usually don't top very often, more likely to LST which I've done to WW with great results.

past times

Well-Known Member
i top everything. did it with both blueberry and ww last grow and had something looking like natrones grow


Well-Known Member
as already said, some strains react better to topping than others.

blueberry and WW both respond well, the last i am not sure about as have not grown, yet!

however, some plants do not react well, e.g. Chronic, and produce more bud from one main cola rather than two or more smaller ones.

below is a picture of two buzzberry plants, (bluebery x bubblicious) the one on the right has not been topped.

if unsure it is always worth topping one or two of your plants just to see how they react for future reference.


Well-Known Member
I have topped white widow before but to be honest i have done away with topping full stop,when i started with all this many moons ago i was led to belive that topping would give you massive yeild,but in my experiance i have learnt that topping sets you back a week and the growth of one main cola weight wise normaly weighs has much has the two topped ones.Most of the strains you have mentions are the kind that grow multipul side branceing any how ie white widow normaly if grown right will give you several main colas any how through side growth leave her be....................tyke...............................