

Active Member
im told topping can double my yield, and over all give me more nug.
i havnt topped my plant yet and its around 3ft tall, should i top? and if so how much do i cut off??????

il take any advice thankx:joint:


Active Member
I just saw a post almost identical to this so I'll tell you the same thing. In my experience topping won't double your yield. The main reason for topping is to get 2 main cola's instead of one (2 smaller cola's then if you had kept the 1) and control the height of the plant. Topping will cause the plant to concentrate it's growth on the side branches making it bushier. But if you decide to top your plant cut it off just below the newest growth and above the last established node. With any luck you'll F.I.Miss it and get 4 main colas.


Well-Known Member
Topping will incrase yeild, (by giving you lost of med buds stead of 1 big an lots of small buds) But only if you do it to your plant early.

If you top it now while flowring is begining outside you will just decrease your yield by stressing your plant.

I top mine as seedlings so they veg out lots of tops to keep em smaller for guerilla growing, then lst em down for max light an bigger yeild.


Well-Known Member
i toped mine at the 9th node then again at the 13th and now its too tall lol so i toped the 5 tops again but its just cause its getting to tall so ya and its only in pre flower. now you would think that my plant would be very bush but its not.....its still very airy.....