Torrents need help


Well-Known Member
I have been downloadin some torrents lately and the finish the download and when i try and open them it gives me that message like pick a program or use the internet to find a program to open this file. The one i just downloaded was photoshop and i think its a good file downloaded all 450 megs but cant open it. help is appreaciated


Well-Known Member
Yeah you probably need Winrar to unrar it....Winzip or Windows built-in unzipper won't do it for you

If it's a .rar you need Winrar, found here


Well-Known Member
ya winrar is a great program,
of course though
if win rar was never made then .rar files wouldnt exist so there fore win rar would be usless... haha


Well-Known Member
and another suggestion whenever you come across a file type that you dont know how to open look for the ".xxx" and just google it and from there youll find a way to open it or what not.