Total Grow Newb...........


Active Member
As I'm sure many before me have done........... Here is a post with my 1st set of babies. They are three Weeks old; grown from seeds collected out of several sacks of consumed nuggets. The medium is run of the mill Miracle Grow potting soil (Though after reading the grow FAQ this wont happen again)
These plants were grown in pots outdoors in a usually warm spring climate.... Only this year were setting records for the coldest spring and summer ever:? The Silver Dollar is pictured for size comparison, the 8 gram hash ball is just a tease....:blsmoke:

I think they are each a different strain, as they look totally opposite of each other. Is it possible to determine strain from the look of a start?




Well-Known Member
They look fine.

People seem to poo-poo the MG. Part of that is that most newbies use it and fail. I don't think its all MG's fault. A typical noob makes a bunch of mistakes and MG is an easy target.

Keep us posted! Welcome! (also glad you hit the FAQ)

Keep reading and keep asking Qs!



Well-Known Member
MG has Urea nitrogen in it. Supposedly this is a main Component of piss. And it can supposedly make ur buds shrivel up and die. Im not sure though, I used MG before i put outside, With great results


Well-Known Member
Seedless, it is kind of hard to determine strain this early but you will soon be able to tell whether the plants are indica or sativa. Read the FAQ here and you will learn a lot. Good luck man

Tom :joint::peace: