Total Newbie


This is my first time I have really thought seriously about growing weed, and so I had some very basic questions...really basic.
1) What EXACTLY was I smoking while i typed this? i.e. flower, leaf, etc...
2) how long until the plant produces...whatever I smoke?
3) Can i just plant some shit outside with minimal care around Chicago?
4) What if I took good care of it?

The reason I am curious is because I am a college student, and I have explored around and I have found some random areas that not many, and very likely NO students or employees go. And if they do they are prolly stoners who I do not mind sharing my crop with :eyesmoke:

So if I could just buy some cheap seeds and plant them ( i enjoy gardening, so I will plant properly) but I do not do anything with ph and soil type and w.e. will I get something smokable and reasonably delicious. I can water as necessary. Maybe not everyday, but I can get it through dryspells.

Thanks for your help!!!!!!
ur smokin bud haha :P no seriosuly though im not sure. i think its flower and leaf. 2 to 2.5 months some strains take longer.take decent car of it and if you took good care of it and have good enough weather to grow outdoors there you could be looking at at like lowest a pound of chronic


Active Member
Look for trails, broken bottles, cigarette butts, anywhere there are signs of human activity is a bad spot. Are there a lot of fishermen in your area? I've seen DEC cops patrolling the most remote areas in fish and game territory. Outdoor plants can get pretty big, one can land you a felony so take care you don't get profiled if stopped by a cop (carrying jugs of water through the woods will get you profiled quicker than you can clench your butthole closed, lol) Plant them near a water source and carry a fishing pole and a bucket.

Good luck man!!!