Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
I think if you have used hid, at one point you've either bleached a plant out some or down right fried one crispy. Unfortunately it's kind of an occupational hazard. Nice catch though, plenty of life in her to salvage bro. I like the idea of the "Unknown Kush" Like a soldier that gave it's life for greater good, you know. That's a memorial I would visit. Bring a fat bud, and smoke it out of a giant, intricate glass bong on site or some crap, ROFL. Everyone can send in old, broken bongs, and we can make a wall with them the way they do old rifles. I'm very interested to see what it looks like in flower as it seems all my interest lately has waned toward indicas, quite the turn around for me actually. I've always been about that thc, but it's the cbd that helps with the body, you know. THC is the magical cure for what ails you in the head! THANK YOU so much for the info on the wash bro. IDK if I've ever heard that before TBH. It makes alot of sense though that the problem would be the chlorophyll cause the rest of what's suppose to be there is an oil, and should not taste "wet". At least not a funky water taste or what have you. I've always used bagged ice, and bottled water, and knew that couldn't be the problem, so i'll be doing a couple final washes now. I'm not too afraid of losing a small amount of trichs to get it right in the end, no problem. I'm also doing a run of dry ice hash for my keif I think. I miss having some around, and being able to add a little to a roll. I use to have a pretty nice stainless screen, but had it liberated from my house at some point obviously. I really dis-like thieves yo! Oh well, karma gets em in the end, I don't have to worry about that. I'm stoked to give the bubble another chance now, I can't wait to get the trim off of the Green Poison, and give it a try. One thing I like about bubble is you use it fresh, and get to work with it right away. Plays to my bi-polar, go-go-go mentality, LOL. I'm playing it 100% safe, and blasting my Cindy99 though. It already smells like killer oil anyways, I love it.

I have to agree with you about Gandalf, Hamish. When he tells you it will be OK, it feels like your father, mother, and best friend all in one comforting you for some reason. It really does give you alot more optimism about the whole thing, and right quick usually. Puts you back where you need to be, and gets you moving in the right direction without much pouting, you know. Good stuff. Enjoy your evening everyone. Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
Thanks you guys for the nice words. I feel the same way. Check this out. I thought you would all appreciate it.
Now that's some True Organic Living Soil! It's not moldy, nasty dirt cause you can see the healthy green stalk in the pic as well. It's just healthy @$$ soil doing it's thing. Thanks for sharing that Gandalf, great representation of how all our soils should look at times. I say at times because it can take "special" conditions to get the mycelium to do that. Glad to see em over at GGG doing it 100% the right way. All of your crosses are sounding amazing bro, I can't believe how fast you took to breeding like you did. That coupled with not pollinating your whole room is a huge score in my book. Congrats on that! Best wishes everyone. Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
Oh- sure is nice fungi you're sportin'! I meant to say that but Trouser's beard got me again...!

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I friggin LOVE that avatar of Trousers' :) The pic I am using for mine is a pic of a 7 foot STAINLESS STEEL sculpture I saw, lit from below with a green floodlight. BLEW. MY. MIND.

Gandalf, damn happy to hear about the seed run! And the organic hydro experiment especially! So seeing as it worked perfectly, I would love to go ahead and try it out myself very soon. I'm going to bug yu for the EXACT recipes, how you filtered, etc etc. My philosophy when trying out something new is to copy somebody else that got it to work PRECISELY and slowly tweak from there (if need be). It was a really valuable bit of advice I got when starting the indoor growing thing, to copy a working setup to the letter, and that advice served me really well, even if I started with a single 400 watt ballast and a gullwing hood, it grew to my current setup as my skill set grew.

I am super happy to report the Dream Beaver has now gone from yellow to that neon green colour, you know what I mean. Lower leaves have got dark green edges so recovery is happening fast. Keeping temps in there at a REALLY cool 21 degrees C (69.8F) so it's like a fresh spring day for them. They're already starting to pray bless their little souls!!

Something interesting: I have some LVBK clones in coco, and some in living soil. So I now know I need to give my clones a little buffer when transplanting into my soil mixes, thinking of perhaps a little layer of pH's coco when I put them in with the mycos sprinkled on top of that, looks a tad hot for the clones' fresh roots. The ones in coco have that typical coco-grown sheen already, but the ones in soil are positively DARK green. Switching from coco to living soil is bringing out a whole lot of different colours guys. I must be careful to not overdose my coco plants now, looks like soil makes the prettiest green colour...

I am also not too sure if Trousers just made one of the most clever jokes I ever heard, or if the joke is on me there LOL.

Good to see you on this thread Beech! This thread is like a magnet for awesome LOL. Loving it to bits.

EDIT: Forgot to mention, report back on how you like a WASHED bubble there Myco. You've got connoisseur tastebuds so it should make a HUGE difference. Remember to let it dry out properly too bro, it must NOT crumble, should look like dried coffee granules but stick together with just a teeny bit of pressure and the heat off your hands ;)


Well-Known Member
I just finished cloning all the damn testers, OB Rippers, etc. I cloned the SM male too. He's going in to bloom tonight. I found some Maine made rooter cubes today. I was really excited. I was thinking that someone just made $11 bucks for their work. They are pretty cool. They are about 10% bigger and they hold less water. 40 cubes for $11. I think they used the plastic tray from the riot cubes as the mold.

Rrog....I have Coot's Alfalfa tea ready. It has bubbled for 24 hours. I am going to use it as a folliar. 2 parts water to 1 part tea.

Hamish...get some clover seeds for your soil while it cooks. How do you like that Rrog?


Well-Known Member
That's really cool you found clone cubes that are made locally bro. If they work good for you the price for the quantity is right on, you know. I can't wait to see some of those O.B. Rippers in flower, Oh boy I can't wait! I'm insanely jealous of that Sun Maiden male bro, you'll have to pass me some pollen if you don't mind when I get there. That alone would just about make the journey worth it to me. May sound dumb to some, but a strain that can consistently pass on Stomper genes, Oh yea, I'm game! I can't wait to see that garden one day, it must be a sight, and smell to behold. Coffee grounds check! Hamish, I have everything written down in my hash notebook now, and also know now to look for coffee grounds. Thanks for the help bro, it's nice to have some confidence back, and want to give the ice wax another go. Have a blessed evening everyone. Peace and Love.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hmm clover... I think I will transplant some out my garden tomorrow morning, no shortage of them here at all, my back lawn is more clover than lawn really :) On my phone again, sending my wife to bed early every evening now and the PC is too close for me to type away in confidence, but I want to show you guys my garden, I am DAMN proud. This place was a wasteland when we got the land, I have done a full rehab its looking sooooo sweeeet now. Most of my plants are either weird and psychedelic looking, actually psychedelic, or damn poisonous LOL. I am fascinated by 'magic' plants. Pics will come tomorrow :)


Well-Known Member
We will have some great things to play with. I will give you the exact male. I am going to save the best looking OBR male too. One that looks stomper too. I wanted to tell you that I have been puffing some really nice Skunk #1 x Black Domina. I love it. Fruity with a punch. Really nice yielder and so easy to grow. I am happy to have some skunk to go to. Once I transplant 3 more tonight and put them into bloom then I will be done for awhile. I have a top notch pheno of Kali Mist. The #4. I have a few nice phenos but this one is as good as it gets. It does not yield as heavy as KM can but it makes up for it in frost. I have two beautiful phenos that yield really well. It is so worth the wait. There is nothing like KM. I want to work with this strain. That is why I am so excited for the LA Haze which is (LA Confidential x Kali Mist) x Afghan Haze. I have heard great things about this Afghan male. I love this shit. Talk to you guys soon. Take care.


Well-Known Member
No joke, I have bleached more than a couple plants.
The first time I thought it was nitrogen deficiency, derp.


Well-Known Member
I've done it, too! I just thought it was funny that you had light bleached plants yet claimed you're not too bright... get it... too bright... he he


Well-Known Member
I read page 1. subbed. :). In my free time i will scroll through the last 73 pages to see the amazing work you are doing. :)
Take Care


Well-Known Member
I just went into my grow area , faded totally. My goodness trainwreck is lovely, I fedl as if its a sativa high and I love how peaceful the garden is, reading this thread and studying stuff and enjoying life , hope you all well and keep your heads up. Later

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I read page 1. subbed. :). In my free time i will scroll through the last 73 pages to see the amazing work you are doing. :)
Take Care
Stew! Good to see you here brother. Let me know when you have worked through this, because then it's time for Rrog's MONSTER LIVING SOIL THREAD!!! Prepare to have thy mind blown Brother!

Guys, I can happily report a SPEEDY recovery on my light-bleached Dream Beaver seedlings. Here is one after only 24 hours with reduced light:

HUGE difference from yesterday huh?! Won't be making the same mistake again. And now I can see why Myco swops out his globes so often. Best to keep 'em fresh and at maximum output!


Active Member

  • repotted about 4 days ago and has been looking a bit droopy since. thought maybe letting it dry out it would start to perk back up. should that be the case?

    the plant is under 250watt cfl bulb 18/6 lighting schedule. got perlite mixed in with the potting mix. have only given a drop of cyco grow part a+b about a week ago. been watering with about 6.7 ph​



Well-Known Member
Wow Hamish, that's quite the turn around bro, nice job with those! I can't wait to see what you've done with your land Hamish, I bet it's pretty nice considering you know the secrets of the soil as it is. The Dream Beaver is gonna be something special I'm thinking. You're so right about the way Bodhi talks about his strains, you can honestly tell the man loves, and cherishes them. Anybody calling him a pollen chucker should have their tongue removed.

I can't believe you would pass on so many of your top guys, and gals Gandalf. I know that you're a true patient the minute you offer something like that. It doesn't matter what you suffer from, I know you are a truly compassionate person, and don't want others going through the same thing. That's exactly where so much of my drive comes from wanting to get to Maine, and see what I can do for some folks. Helping others, while helping yourself is what dreams are made of for me. I can't wait to see #4 bro! I'm excited about the LA Haze too, that's gonna be some bad @$$ smoke man, I just know it.

That looks like a tasty pain in the arse there May11th. I think those are problems i know how to deal with, LOL. Lookin good M8! Enjoy this fine day everyone. Peace and love.