Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

Hi, great, i'm really lapping up organic info but not off to the best start. Can someone suggest a boost tea for seedlings. They are a month old but it's just not happening.
They are in a mix of dirt/coco/perlite and a very small amt of compost. They are not much over an inch tall with three small leaf sets..

I've tried a few things, all ruled out. It's down to the dirt I think. At first I thought the soil was still a bit hot but now with them starting to yellow i'm thinking perhaps they need a feed. I would have thought they would get enough from the dirt but then they are 4 weeks old.

I gave them a light dose of chamomile tea in the first week/as the first watering, maybe that fucked with them?

Anyhow, any suggestions for an early feed tea.. I have kelp etc but was holding off on those things..

Read my last few posts on this thread. That should help a little. Also, stick with a fungal dominant tea for seedlings.
I have a soil mix cooking but the seedlings are just in a mix of coco/perlite, abt a third local black soil and a pinch of compost. Some, such as berry bomb are nice and green but they are all just mini sized. I grew coco/canna nutes last time, grown in this mix (only mostly the yard dirt) outdoors before and no dramas.. humidity has been dropping to 35-45% otherwise the environment should be ok/ all went well for coco grow.

I'd come around to thinking i'd flushed/they'd used the small amt of nutes in the party cups so i was considering swapping to slightly larger pots just adding a bit more of the good yard soil but then they aren't really big enough to take off in larger pots. Healthy deep roots but mini plants (some yellowing).

I'll read back through fungal tea. Cheers bob
What's all in your soil that's cooking? How long has it been cooking? How's it smell? Does it stay damp? Does it get fresh oxygen? What's the ambient temperature of the environment of said dirt? How about the temp of the soil itself? Has it been hit with any compost tea or microbial food source?

If your soil that's still cooking isn't loaded down with high N-P-K, it's stayed damp, it's been turned, and it smells good, and contains a diverse mineral blend, I'd say cut it with some of that local black soil, and whatever aeration amendment you like (I like expanded shale myself, for many reasons), and plop your seedlings in that.

Next time you germinate seeds may I suggest about 65% perlite, 15% EWC, and 20% mushroom compost. That combined with a healthy compost tea works like a charm for me.
Good'O, I don't wanna hog the thread but not at the stage of a journal:

Temp I can keep pretty stable (around 23c/73f)
Soil is a rough base on
1/3rd Coco 1/3rd Growstone (like corse perlite) 1/3 mixed compost (i didn't have any source so bagged manure basically)
Added local crushed rock dust, abt equal part local rich soil
Some Kelp, Neem meal, Tomato dry ferts, mussell shell.. just cups and not much= added up to the amounts mentioned.

I watered with Gogo juice some mollasses and kept moist. Sprinkled some oats and covered, dug in the resulting funguses : )
and have a layer of corse coco chunks as mulch.

It's been sitting a few weeks open in my grow room.

I considered transplanting into this mix (its in 50L/15gal tubs ready to go) but it's likely a bit hot on its own still..

I decided to spend some more time reading, learning so much. It's a lot for an old stoner, indoor I seem to forget thebasics- how easy outdoor dirt growing was : )
PS I made some classic cock ups in coco but ended up with some perfect little plants (new to LED grow too):

Screen Shot 2013-09-26 at 8.06.24 AM.png

Not to do things by halfs I grew different strains and tried silver forced pollen off a couple.. I was kinda relieved to get finished.

Very impressed but where I grow visiting a hydro grow every single day is a real chore...
Seems like you've got a good grasp on what you're doing.

Go with your gut instinct.

New dirt's a little too hot still, buy your babies are hungry...

Cut that cooking dirt with something with a little less heat, and transplant into that.

Compost tea can be a terrific elixir for whatever ails your garden, especially after a good transplant.

Keep on reading man. Do not put all of your faith into one source of information, make informed decisions, and go with you're gut.
Yeah, cheers mate, learning heaps for a middle age dog :hump:. I'd kinda ended up at the tea thread as my gut's saying some are hungry. I had thought to try a weak tea mix before going bigger in container, I overwatered in coco (pots too big for seedlings imo) to start and it lost a couple of weeks growth. I'm less worried about time this run but a bit edgy about overwatering.
Awesome info guys. I have been crazy busy and needed a small break. Great exchange of info here. I am off to get my Progress Earth experiment going.
Just got my new t5 8 bulb light. Seems very nice, next things I need are a co2 regulater, reverse osmosis system, grow tent. Ill need more than that but damn the stuff is expensive. I need to start selling clones and stuff to pay for upgrades. Hows everyone else do it. Im not a millionaire lol
Just got my new t5 8 bulb light. Seems very nice, next things I need are a co2 regulater, reverse osmosis system, grow tent. Ill need more than that but damn the stuff is expensive. I need to start selling clones and stuff to pay for upgrades. Hows everyone else do it. Im not a millionaire lol

Ive nevr used co2 or RO water, or a tent. Built my own closet. Bought a light(400w), a exhaust fan(230cfm), a couple circular fans(10"&4") I took some clones of some outdoor plants and away I went. That was 2 years ago. I grew a few times back in the 90's but never made the commitment to stick with it. Now I am a happy home closet grower with my own personal stash. Just recently getting into this forum stuff. First internet community I have joined.
This is a good one man. I learn from the best, these men in here. If I need help I know I have it. If I feel I can help I will but im still learning .

So I just recently got serious about cloning, bought a heating mat, domes and rapid rooters, fastest ckone so far was rooted in 6 days, its been 9 days and half of the 30 I did have well established thick white roots, my question is when do you move it into soil and do you expose it to fresh air or plant in soil and put back in dome, thanks guys. Heres a pic of my blueberries from bc bud depot, im giving these ladies alot of attention. I just toped two of the taller ones, trying to keep em short, they are 3 weeks in and starting to branch out down low, they are pretty heavy feeders actually, im running them in my honade soil that I been reusing after each run and amending it then cooking it and loving it, I use all of your info guys and hyroot, your clone in a cup sealed by a ziplock I used that clever method tonight. I think that all of you guys are talented and I soak up all this info. Cheers and bless you all .

Guess it wont let me upload. Fak it, show you guys tomorrow.
I put them in the soil mix and mist them then they go under the lights. Keep them off to the edge for a day or two. That is it. I love white roots. :eyesmoke: Great job.
Ive nevr used co2 or RO water, or a tent. Built my own closet. Bought a light(400w), a exhaust fan(230cfm), a couple circular fans(10"&4") I took some clones of some outdoor plants and away I went. That was 2 years ago. I grew a few times back in the 90's but never made the commitment to stick with it. Now I am a happy home closet grower with my own personal stash. Just recently getting into this forum stuff. First internet community I have joined.
Welcome TCG. You definately chose a great thread to follow. All these guys in here have some of the greatest information available on this site. Some of the greatest looking buds on RIU come from the organics guys. Stick around!
Just got my new t5 8 bulb light. Seems very nice, next things I need are a co2 regulater, reverse osmosis system, grow tent. Ill need more than that but damn the stuff is expensive. I need to start selling clones and stuff to pay for upgrades. Hows everyone else do it. Im not a millionaire lol

Build a tent. It'll cost less, work better, and give you something to be proud of.

Unless your water is horrible, just get a carbon/sediment filter for your water. I needed an RO due to a horrible water source one time. Now I use the waste water and the RO water from my RO because my water isn't that bad. A $30 water filtration system would definitely suffice for my needs now, instead of the $200 RO.

co2.... When you think you are ready for co2, wait until you have not changed a single thing for at least a couple grows. Until your garden has every single thing it could possibly ask for, without ever having to ask for it, co2 is doing nothing but asking for more problems. This is just my opinion, that I have formed from experience.

I have a bad ass co2 generator, with a regulator. My temps are all controlled automatically, as well as my humidity, and exhaust/intake. I am able to completely seal up my tent and keep it at whatever temp/humidity I set for the entire 12 hour day. Then I can set my night time temp/humidity to whatever I like. I also use the dark cycle to dump stagnant air, and bring in fresh air, all while my scrubber stays ahead of the exhausting of that stankin ass air.

My co2 generator is not currently in use, because I am changing shit around. I know from experience that there is no point whatsoever in trying to fuck with co2 while I'm still fucking with other variables. Once I get comfortable with the changes that I am undergoing, that co2's getting set up again.
Welcome TCG. You definately chose a great thread to follow. All these guys in here have some of the greatest information available on this site. Some of the greatest looking buds on RIU come from the organics guys. Stick around!
Thanks Pinworm
Im not going anywhere. Recent unemployment has given the oppurtunity to participate now. I have been enjoying the show from the sidelines for the last while.
Sick looking nugs every where!
And your right, the organic guys have it dialed.
Honestly I feel sorry for anyone who has to post "cal/mag dif? OMG what do I do?"
Salt based feeding and hydro just has too many things to balance, and damage can occur quickly and costly. With crop or equipment. But Im no techy type guy who wants to play mad scientist with my ganja. Mother earth has provided us with all the goodies right at our finger tips. Id grow more outdoors if my climate didnt suck so bad. I can grow pineberry or pineberryxtimewarp outdoors. Thats it everything else will mold.
Anyway two doobies into the morning and Im ranting. Hope to see you all around:joint:
Right now I use my tap water, let it sit for one or 2 days while bring aerated, then I add my tea mix in and let sit for 12+ hrs, just depending how much the ladies are drinking. I use about 30 gals of water for flowering plants then about 20 on the vegging, I hope it allows me to upload pics today, going to go study and figure shit out.
Hello. I don't post much in here but I check this place everyday; I'm a beginner using teas and going the organic route. Anyways I was curious about reusing soil.

I have read the thread on recycled organic living soil, and was curious if that adding all the stuff, like kelp and guanos, ect, was necessary if I'm using teas to add all of those things. Can I just break up the dirt in the pots and reuse it?

I'd like to introduce you all to The Wicked Witch Of Las Vegas... It's the second time around this pheno does this, last time was in coco, her sisters all looked great. Same story this time, her sisters in same soil, same room, all look perfect. But she's makin' me these evil claws, eeeep. Conversely, she is the frost-monster out of all the LVBK phenos. This starts happening soon as she hits flower:



Black Jesus reckons it is from too much N, which would make her a really light (I mean REALLY light) feeder. Mild soil mix, cooked 6 weeks, perhaps he is spot-on though. I will need to flower a clone in coco to see exactly where the line is if it is the case...

And on the opposite end of the scale, the Dream Beaver ladies at 5 weeks, topped about a week ago:




Looking badass, wish the camera I use gave a better representation of the actual colour :/

Anyhow, started from seed and growing in the same LOS. My first LOS run all the way from seed, from germ to flower. The results truly are speaking for themselves.