Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

20131019_190245.jpg 1 week flowering. I love aloe , the plants dig it and its cheap and available locally. I do want to grow aloe plants to so thats next lol. Good day all.
Hell Yesssssss.... Second 'batch' of Dream Beaver coming into flower, about 6 days after the flip for them. So far, the tally is 8/10 females and counting. The last two don't look male, pre flowers are flat and triangular and point straight up. They're my two runts (well not runts, just the smallest and slowest) so if either of them are male they are not contenders for pollination. Indica look has completely disappeared off the big girls. All aside from one, who is pretty stretchy (go figure) with much wider spacing between nodes so also not qualifying as a keeper.

Gods, I love my sativas. The Indica mission was just not for me. LVBK was a weird journey. These are making me sooooo happy. Milla is drop-dead gorgeous. Bud-set super rapid. Pics later this week...
Well Gand. I got the smoke report from my patient. He is a big smoker and said 3 tokes was all he needed. It took him an hour and a half to finish one bowl and tasted fruity til the end. So a big thank you to you for the emergency diagnosis and treatment andHamish for the harvest time expertise, and the rest on this thread for all the advice along the way. You guys made this not only a success but a great supportive learning experience.
Grass! so iv'e got kelp, clover and comfrey in my tea (oats, molasses and castings), what about Grass? Surely there'd be silica in grass without buying a.. product ?
What else should I toss in there?

I have a huge tree- lucerne, honey locust something like that. It has legume like pods and the grass and weeds grow nuts under it. I know that the meal makes great stock food, maybe it would make a killer tea :cool: The dirt under is like chocolate cake.. mmm, chocolate cake..
Grass! so iv'e got kelp, clover and comfrey in my tea (oats, molasses and castings), what about Grass? Surely there'd be silica in grass without buying a.. product ?
What else should I toss in there?

I have a huge tree- lucerne, honey locust something like that. It has legume like pods and the grass and weeds grow nuts under it. I know that the meal makes great stock food, maybe it would make a killer tea :cool: The dirt under is like chocolate cake.. mmm, chocolate cake..

I don't know if grass has silica but aloe Vera and dandelions do..

I want cake now... Lol
I don't know if grass has silica but aloe Vera and dandelions do..

I want cake now... Lol

Ahh, I had my Cake, i'm caked :hump: I have some aloe plants, the gell of which i was going to try with clones at some stage... i'll do some more reading, dandelions (well i think they are) are like carpets over summer.. my new organic seedlings have finally come to life ... .. ah a man is rich!!
We had a little conversation about organic sources for silica on this thread a while ago. I'm going to go though the whole thing over the next week just to brush up, when I find the posts I will come reference them. There is also a discussion about it on another forum, can't remember which, I will copy-paste all the most useful stuff here also soon as I find it. I think it's time to resurrect that discussion, it did get cut short a bit. try any HF Soil Cond. yet? I had a half bale I had to get rid of, so I cooked a 50% mix. Lil nervous to try. There's a lot of little wood chips in it. Just ran some water through and seems like good drainage on its own. We'll see what happens to these freebies.
My quest for amendments and other essentials is starting to bear fruit: Just found a great supply of molasses, DIRT cheap. I just picked up around half a gallon for what would amount to 60 US cents. Found a supply of dry kelp, not meal so I'll have to work it a bit too. Gypsum, checked off the list. Lobster compost and oyster shell still a bit of a far-out thing but I'll find something. Organic pellet ferts, check (also pretty cheap).
My soil's already kicking ass and I am happy with it, but can't wait to see what it does when I have the full list of amendments to play with.
Hey Mad,

Any sources shared will be appreciated.

I am always looking for better deals.

I have worked with Perlite from back when I started
growing mushrooms.

I just found a 4 cu ft sack of excellent quality perlite
for only $11.59. (Home Depot's 2 cu ft bag is $17,
and that was a pretty good price already)

Take care,
