Total TDS


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm trying to figure this out...I just got a TDS meter and my water is about an 82 ppm...what I'm wondering is, what is the maximum TDS I should have when I'm feeding my plants? I heard somewhere around 1500 ppm is the max. Anyone have any ideas on that? Anything would help, thnxs.


Well-Known Member
82 PPM tap water is excellent.

Different strains will handle different feed levels. Some like 1400 PPM while others will have burnt leaf tips. Also the medium you use has a lot to do with it. I personally feed in the mid 1200's for mature flowering plants and for veg I run 1000 PPM. I use a soiless mix.

I hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
The 82ppm is most likely from calcium carbonate. When you add your nutrients and pH it, the carbonate will off gas and the remaining ppm will all be nutrients.

In short, if you measure 1000ppm, don't subtract out 82ppm.


Well-Known Member
thanks everyone, I'm using soil...I'm not only an amateur so I don't do much, and I'm disabled, so I can't do what I want all the time and my plants thanks anyone.


Well-Known Member
Its easier to work out what your plants want in ml/litre. Measure 1ml of ferts in a litre with tds or ppm meter then you never have to use the netre again.

We all did this with canna ferts, theres even plenty of threads on what a ml/litre mesures for tds. I say tds but most of us use ppm or ec which again is the same thing more or less.

Ditch the meter just go of ml/l and some easy maths :-)

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
You should buy some calibration solution so you will know how your meter is reading. Most stoners can't figure math and ppm's and it leads to a lot of confusion and burnt plants.