Totally Awesome Home made Bong Contest!!

anyway-this contest is over or what, but i dont care cas iv been so high all the time i forgot this thing.anyway, simple solution-
get a juice back 2l-make a hole, put in a pocket pipe, make an extension from pen or something, and its done-easy as that-oh and stoners, pour in some water to, untill it water level is up to your bottom hole:)
but as you can see i smoked 4 the good old gravity-maaan, that shit will shoot hardcore hits to your lungs, that they will explode:hump:

stay high.......



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anyway-this contest is over or what, but i dont care cas iv been so high all the time i forgot this thing.anyway, simple solution-
get a juice back 2l-make a hole, put in a pocket pipe, make an extension from pen or something, and its dome-easy as that-oh and stoners, pour in some water to, untill it water level is up to your bottom hole:)
but as you can see i smoked 4 the good old gravity-maaan, that shit will shoot hardcore hits to your lungs, that they will explode:hump:

nice gravity bong grow...shoulda read the thread so you knew the duration of the contest...just started yesterday! LoL...keep it up, and send me some bud my way...I'm totally wiped out :(

stay high.......

nice gravity bong grow...shoulda read the thread so you knew the duration of the contest...just started yesterday! LoL...keep it up, and send me some bud my way...I'm totally wiped out :(
nice gravity bong grow space. that smoke is milky as hell. ive only ever smoked a gravity bong once. coulda had more hits but the other kid was bogarting the shit out of it. :evil:
Last time I smoked a gravity bong, it was made outta a Poland Spring 5 gallon water jug and 33 gallon rubbermaid trash can...I can't remember what happened after my hit...seriously
nice gravity bong grow space. that smoke is milky as hell. ive only ever smoked a gravity bong once. coulda had more hits but the other kid was bogarting the shit out of it. :evil:

Thanks man-fuck i feel ya, i hate bogarts:evil:
i usually smoke 4 pipe or from vapo, but gravitys are funn as hell:)
gravs knock you on your ass

what ive seen so far has been ok, but i expected better from my fellow RIUers, when you guys see mine your gonna say it looks like a plastic ROOR. i want competition, step it up guys
if it wasnt 1 entry per person id show yall how my bubbling grav works. maybe after the contest is over ill start a thread about all my pipes and bongs, home made and store bought. i need to get a camera to take a few ipctures
they say when you heat it and smoke the fumes that gives you alzheimers. i forgot who but someone a few months back wrote about it and how thats a lie or something. they had some references but i dont remember where that thread was.
so if you win kaleo you just keep the smokers package you put together? lol

for the record the prize is gonna be a shirt thats says bong technition, and yes if i win im gonna keep it and if some one beats me im gonna make two.

i wanted to do a smokers package with RIU logo on everything but Mr. RIU refuses to get back to me so....
aluminum is fine to smoke out of, i mean it makes me feel shitty when i am forced to smoke out of it, but only because i dont have anything better to smoke out of.

alzheimers and smoking out of aluminum is a myth. do you think peoples grandmothers have alzheimers because they smoked metal pipes or because there old as fuck?

ecstasy on the other hand dose cause memory loss and brain dammage similar to alzheimers