totally confused


Active Member
i believe i have a nutrient lockout due to my ph. i have 1 plant its in a 6 gallon bucket with ffof . its about 5 weeks. my leaves i turning brown then drying the part that is confusing me is that the water im putting in is at 8.2 and my run off is at was at 5.4. so i figured that i would try to flush it and get all the crap out of there.the more water i pour in (at 8.2) the lower my ph is dropping on the run off. last i saw was an 5.3. shouldnt the run off be going up, not down???


Well-Known Member
Depends on the salts you are freeing up with the flushes. You should always give details like strain, nutrients and the strength and so on.The more we know the faster and further we can go with you. Post pics - they are worth 1000 words. More with some folks.


Well-Known Member
Testing runoff is like cracking rat turds for less experienced growers. Stop it. Water and feed according to what the plant needs. Experience will bring that. Feed only at 1/4 strength at first. If you do it properly by the time you feed a full strength feeding in veg she's ready for the flower room. I'll listen to all those who refute that for less experienced growers.


Active Member
I will check out the link. But for the first person. Its pineapple chunk im using1/2tsp general hydroponics floranova grow. It has 4 100watt equivalents. Its in a 3x3x6 tent. With a 6"exhaust coming in and a 6"exhaust with a carbon filter going out.i was ph'ing but was told to stop. I also was using earth juice cal n mag. But also stopped that last week.and i also use 2 drops of superthrive .i will post a few pics in a few minutes.


Active Member
Yep thats what i was told. But when i started to use the cal mag it did nothing. So someone said that i must be locked up, and that the calmag isnt getting there. And i flushed with tap water which is pretty hard.


Well-Known Member
Look up your city's tap water on google...they should tell you everything in it...all the way to the ppm and what not


Active Member
I started with distilled. But again was told to stop because it had no calcium. Then used tap with calmag,tap by itself.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
The real question is,,,,,Does the MG soil have x amount of months of available nutrient? Like 6 months?

Miracle Grow is misleading thousands of people that buy their "organic" potting soil not realizing that restrictions on using the term organic only apply when used on food or fiber like cotton. Every potting soil ever made can claim that they are organic. No matter how many chemicals they dump into it. A company's morals is all that restricts them from claiming to be organic. Scott's has none!

The MG line is formulated to not work well with Cannabis! Scotts even ADMITTED it in a press release when they bought G&H!

Your going to need to amend the soil with a fast acting prilled dolomite lime......Try and work it into the soil about and inch deep.....carefully with your fingers...say a Tbl spoon a pot....

Good luck with that MG soil....
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Well-Known Member
just an ideal

Make some eggshell fertilizer tea
Boil a gallon of water, and then add 10 clean and dry eggshells to it.
Let the shells sit in the water overnight, and then strain the water.
Pour the concentrate directly onto the soil to give plants a boost of calcium and potassium


Active Member
At dr. Who im not using mg. Im using ffof.this is going to sound stupid. But could i disolve calcium pill and use that?