Touchet's Perpetual Garden

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New Member
So low humidity, high air flow under the plant, and a strong feeding regiment (or is feeding not put into this equation?). You have air blowing straight up because CO2 get absorbed through the bottom of the leaf and O2 comes out the top. The air blowing straight up pushes fresh air directly where it needs to go and blows the O2 that it releases towards the exhaust to reduce the amount of O2 surrounding the plant.
Oh never mind. It's the mylar on the bottom reflecting light back up to the lower branches.
the Mylar YES!!! giving the plant light from top and bottom to maximize the photosynthesis power of the remaining leaves!

Fan pushing co2 in and forcing transpiration, YES!!! Evacuating o2, YES!! The plant is surrounding itself with o2, especially INSIDE IT!

Strong feeding aka NUTE BURN BABY!!!! I changed their normal dripper stake to one with a higher flow rate, thus OVER feeding it. SO now to get all those nutes I am over feeding it to transpire I need to force more air through the leaf from the bottom up!! The plant is surrounding itself with o2, especially INSIDE IT!

So, I will now go and place a fan right under her and we'll check back on her in two days.

Good job peeps, good show.


New Member
That just gave me a wonderful idea. I'm going to cut a piece of cardboard and attach mylar to it. Then I will place it on the pot just under the plant. Then my fluff buds will get great light coverage.
Yes sir they sure will, why waste the light your paying for.


New Member
This is my most addicting hobby. Growing is way more addicting than smoking 4 me.

Let me give you all a million dollar idea.

What if you had a snap on cover for your pots that was reflective on the top and had a drip circle tube underneath. Now what if that snap on cover had 100 tiny holes in the shiny cover and you could plug it into your standard air pump.


New Member
Ok, on to more work. Now that I have some more hydro pebbles I can handle some shit.

One of the clones I had set aside for the LL challenge was running a little shallow, so we filled her up. Figured I would show people my way of transplanting with hydro pebbles.

Her top looks much better than her bottom,

Or does it??

First I set the plant to be changed in the bucket of pebbles. Then slowly lift the plant out so it releases most of its grip on the pebbles.

I let her rest in the bucket while I situate her square pot some.

fill up the pot about half way with more pebbles,

when its filled half way I tilt it to the side to make a slope of pebbles. This will allow me to place the roots in and surround them with pebbles before I just bury the rest of the plant in there.

you want to bury her all the way up to the lowest intranode or first branch.

Then slightly pinch the main stalk and pull gently upwards while lightly shaking the pot in the other hand.

lift it up until you can just see the 1" cube again,

then top her off with more pebbles, and presto!!

back in she goes,



Active Member
I'm really lovin' your root development

They're so tight they look like pine trees when you push their branches back

Great job :D


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah touchet, those are some damn tight nodes!
Nice grow.
Question, what strain is this oneView attachment 945935
Looks damn near exactly like my current plant and it was bagseed. No clue to the strain.


Active Member
hehehe I grow trees that I tie down to make sprawling microforests

is the uniform and INSANELY TIGHT 1/4'' internodal growth from a high lumen/ft2 or some nute booster or...?

it looks like you plucked fan leaves from the undernode of the new branch; this is part of your technique?

it concentrates the growth in the new branch or something?

in any case, SWEET. how do you keep air moving within the canopy without drying out the plant, since they're so tight?

sorry for all the q's




New Member
hehehe I grow trees that I tie down to make sprawling microforests

is the uniform and INSANELY TIGHT 1/4'' internodal growth from a high lumen/ft2 or some nute booster or...?

hey man those are CLEARLY only .5cm apart damn it!! juuust kiddin, they are though lol. For the answers to your questions your gonna have to go back a little ways in this journal. you think my nodes are cool you should see my roots.

I did a lot of research so you only have to do a little. On the bright side at least you wont have to go through what next years crop of newbs has to go through when they stumble upon my pics somewhere. LOL, by then it will be a loooonngg loooonnnggg thread.


Well-Known Member
oh and LMFAO @ next years crop of newbs will have to search through pages and pages and pages....its true


New Member
hehehe I grow trees that I tie down to make sprawling microforests

is the uniform and INSANELY TIGHT 1/4'' internodal growth from a high lumen/ft2 or some nute booster or...? T5/Liquid Light/Penetrator

it looks like you plucked fan leaves from the undernode of the new branch; this is part of your technique? Sacrificied those for another thread.

it concentrates the growth in the new branch or something?

in any case, SWEET. how do you keep air moving within the canopy without drying out the plant, since they're so tight? I have several fans in the veg room. In flower I have fans under the canopy blowing up. Why is in my journal, page 11.

sorry for all the q's NO WORRIES! thats why me and this journal are here. If I was a selfish bastard I wouldn't be on here sharing everything I know about growing with my competition, lol. Guess that's what seperates us from soon to be corporate growers. Think about the possibilities for scrog and SOG growers alike with this info! Liquid Light cuts recovery time from topping in HALF! So lets see, plants 14cm tall with 50+ branches under a screen?!?! Jesus, the grower would have a node zone roughly every INCH give or take a little after the HPS stretch occurs. Can you even picture it in your head?? A screen using 1" squares instead of the common 2" squares. And instead of having a bud zone every other square or so they would have one on EVERY square! in SOG put in at the same time, the grower would end up with 2 ft tall miniature Christmas tree's as pointed out already. It would be covered from bottom to tip with nugs, fuck a main cola harvest!! This would be a "main tree" harvest with proper lighting.


Just wait till I get my plasma light!! You ain't seen nothing yet folks!! I am literally planning on growing plants like I just described above, nugs from the floor up to the tip and solid all the way through, only, these will be about four feet tall LMMFAO!!


New Member
does it still not work?
Here is the url
It's on your page 1 after the chopped buds.
That sir would be "Tangergreen" my own personal strain of tangerine goodness

the mommies

I know people like a good size reference when looking at pics so here ya go, I'm 6'5", that gives me about 20" from knee to hip bone in a sitting position, similar to this,

now keep in mind I accidentally broke this branch off over a week ago already at the beginning off week 5
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