My gripe about cops , and even the ones that believe herb should be legal is that 9 outta 10 will still arrest you for it. These cops could be a benefit to society and the tax payer instead of seeing the ounce of herb under someone's seat and arresting them, just pretend it wasn't there, simple as that, but no... they have to bring in the numbers to keep the money flowing in from fines,confiscated property, and the yearly allocated funding they get from the Feds towards new equipment. These cops that supposedly agree with us could break the cycle but the majority WON'T.
I do not like cops nor will I ever like cops. Even if tomorrow every law both state and federal regarding marijuana disappeared, the damage and destruction that law enforcement has done is unforgivable. Cops do way more harm to society than good. All they are is revenue generators for the cities and states they work in. The U.S. has 5% of the world population but yet holds 25% of the world's incarcerated. That statistic says it all about the illusion of LAND OF THE FREE. The U.S is the worlds LEADING JAILER of it's people compared to any other country.
Even ex-judge James P. Gray says that many of his judge friends would sit behind doors off the record and speak amongst themselves that drugs should be legal, but would still sentence people left and right. I'm waiting for the revolution when the sleeping giant awakens and then all these cops that supposedly think like us will be regretting that they continued on enslaving the masses.Every week I see in the news about drug raids,police brutality , tougher laws, more regulations, ect. There will be a breaking point and another Civil War the way things are heading, and I hope no mercy is given.
Just because they disagree with it doesn't mean they shouldn't enforce it. If you put that in their hands you put the entire legal system in their hands. Cops shouldn't have the power to decide what's right and what's wrong, that's for law makers. The fact that our lawmakers are dragging their feet doesn't help matters. I mean, imagine say a dude caught his gf in a parking lot blowing some dude, and he stabbed her in the neck. Doesn't mean the cop would be like damn I'd have done that shit too, means they have to deal with it via the law. Some cops are chill about things and some are hardcore about things. Either way knowing the law and knowing what they are allowed to do and what YOU are allowed to do is the best way to deal with the cops. Too many people are ignorant of their rights and personal freedoms.
There won't be a civil war over legalization. I mean let's face it we'd get smashed. They have the firepower and we'd be too stoned to do anything. The most effective thing is to do it through legislation changes. Judges are the same as cops. If a judge makes a decision, then that decision can be used in any other court case as guideline ruling. Again, it all goes back to the lawmakers. Mandatory minimum sentencing: law makers. What's legal? Lawmakers. If you are reading this and feel that the laws are unjust and haven't written to your congressman, house rep, governor in many cases, and local reps, then you are doing nothing to change things.
It's easy to blame the judges and the cops. I don't know why more people don't blame the lawmakers. That's like blaming the soldiers in Afghanistan for there being a war. It's not their fault, most of them would choose to be home rather than out killing people, but they have to do what they are told by their superiors who ultimately end up reporting to the President and Congress. Remember the US can't go to war without a congressional declaration.
My general feeling on the whole subject, which has no effect on how I moderate this forum, I try to stay neutral, is that Marijuana should be made medically legal and decriminalized. I think in time maybe legalization, but if 100% legalization happens, then forget growing yourself, it will be similar to alcohol. During prohibition it was made by people here and there as moonshine. When it was legal, you just bought it. Commercial growers, primarily big tobacco, would probably be the ones that would that would be growing and selling. Prepackaged joints ect.
Not meaning to single you out, just had a few points to make off your comment.