Had a guy approach me on the dock about a week ago asking for 10 lobsters. Said sure told him I'd give him a deal for 4$ lb local price is about 7 for soft shell. 3 days later he calls me and says out of the ten he got he found treble hooks inside 4 of them. I told him its not possible. Says he's going to sue for endangering his family because of our poor fishing tactics. I don't think this guy understands how we catch them. all I could do is think how stupid this guy sounded. And so everyone knows it wouldn't be possible for a lobster to swallow a treble hook. Hope next year he stays in Washington.
flip it
this guy is commiting a crime and slandering your name
flip it on him .......when u know it is him calling record it .....and get the full scam .....he has to say he will accept money to drop the suit ...get him saying his name and any other parties that are claiming this
then u tell him bitch i own your ass ........now it is 10k for the trouble u have put me tho or i turn over this to the cops and u/family are arrested here on felony charges
me doing this 100% legal as u were the one that started this u were scaming on me i trapped u and have dead to rights i can turn this into the cops or i can delete it
10k is what it takes for the delete u have 12 hours to come up with ..........anything happends to me the recording is automatically turned into the cops buddy has it with orders to give to the cops if i do not ask for it back before (the next day)