Towlie’s Experiments With AeroGarden


Well-Known Member
Well due to limited space I decided to flower today. I don't have pics of anything new, so I'll post something when I start to see some sex organs... Everbody cross your fingers.


Well-Known Member

It is 1 teaspoon per gallon on fox farm. You have neut burn because you have the wrong directions. Also, in an areogarden, you have to go very light on it especially if you are only growing a couple of plants. Make sure you use straight distilled water for every other watering and only 1/2 as much neuts that it says to use.

Even the Master Gardener Aerogarden book recommends this.

Good Luck

Hi all. I’m starting a grow journal at the suggestions of one of the moderators. I’m 3-weeks into an AeroGarden grow and things aren’t going so hot... Well not too bad... I’m just a little frustrated with what I think might be nute burn but I’m not entirely sure???

I’ve been using Fox-Farm Grow Big Hydro from the start (I know I should have used distilled water for the first 2-weeks… My bad.) The directions say 2-teaspoons/gallon, and I’ve been using1/4. I’ve also been using Cannazym root stuff as directed.

I’ve already removed two leaves due to bad burn, and it looks like two more are gonna die. It’s happened the same way both times. The tips develop small brown dots that get larger & spread. Then the tips ultimately curl up or down. The second tier (from the bottom) leaves are starting to developed tiny (pin hole size) brown dots too, so I know this shit is going to spread if I don’t figure it out.

At first I suspected nute burn, so I switched to distilled water... I’ve been in distilled water (6.0 PH) for 2-days and it still seems to be spreading? I’ve been using 17-Watt Ott-Lite ‘True Colors’ on each side for added light... however I stopped using them because I feared I might be sun-burning the plants. I was also spraying the leaves with carbonated water (no sugar) and I’ve stopped that as well because I just don’t know what’s causing the discoloration.

Another peculiar phenomena is that the leaves droop down to the point of touching the AeroGarden at the end of the 18/6 light cycle. At the start of the cycle, however, the leaves are several inches above the AeroGarden. These pics were taken at the start of the light cycle.

I’m stabbing in the dark here, and I don’t really know what the problem is. I was planning on using the AeroGarden for starting, my mother, and cloning only. I’d like to switch to a 20-gallon Rubbermaid Aeroponic system, but I’d like to get this thing healthy first. Any suggestions as to WTF I’m doing wrong would be greatly helpful.


Well-Known Member
Giagemgal. Thanks for your input... However there are 42 posts in this thread. You're responding to post #1. F4t4LShot diagnosed the problem as sun-burn associated with spraying the leaves under hot lights.

Also, in my quote that you provided I said that I was using 1/4 tsp/gal. I'm not sure why you recommended increasing to 1/2 tsp/gal if you thought I was nutrient burning my plant... Also FoxFarm directions suggest 1 tsp/gal during the seedling stage. As I said, I was 3-weeks into the grow. FoxFarm actually suggests 3 tsp/gal during week 3, however I wasn't counting the first week of germination, so I'd be on week 2 of the attached chart.

At Skunk's suggestion I'm using a truncheon and don't measure the amount of nutes, I just monitor the PPM's. The below link are levels that seem to be in line with the standard FoxFarm baseline of growing.

"Try to keep seedlings at about 200-400 ppms. After about 10 days bump up the ppm to around 500-800 ppm for the next 2-3 weeks. After about a month raise it to 1000-1200 ppm. When you start flowering you should be at around 1200, start taking it up slowly to no more than 1500 ppm. Tap water in my area has a ppm of about 200. So for a 1000 ppm my meter will read 1200. This should be tweaked for different strains, nutes, ect."

Finally I stopped using the AeroGarden about a month ago.



Well-Known Member
Ya’. It’s all good though. I’m always glad when someone takes the time to help.

Just to give everyone an update… I cloned two branches in the Aerogarden. It was pretty easy. I’m not using the net pods, but rather I PH balanced some rockwool in distilled water, then used Clonex on the two branches. First I selected a branch with at least three lower nodes. Then cut off the two lower nodes, sliced the branch at the base at a 45-deg angle. Then scuffed the bottom branch and dipped it immediately in some Clonex. I then pushed em’ (the branches) into the rockwool (which was placed in the Aerogarden.). Then filled the AG with the recommended dose of Clonex. I only used one light at the highest-level while the branches were under clear Tupperware bowls. The clones took marvelously (they are 5 days old in the attached photos.) Ultimately I think the AG will be great for keeping a mother, and starting clones for the first month of their life. It will consume a lot less water & nutrients that my 20-gallon Rubbermaid tub.

Also, the main girl has no signs of sex, so I’m patiently waiting. It’s currently growing about 2-inches per day, and consumes about ½ gallon of water.



Well-Known Member
Ok guys, you caught me, I was being lazy. But, I have a really good excuse....can my Mommy write a note for ya??

I don't usually get much time on this site...sorry.

Ya’. It’s all good though. I’m always glad when someone takes the time to help.

Just to give everyone an update… I cloned two branches in the Aerogarden. It was pretty easy. I’m not using the net pods, but rather I PH balanced some rockwool in distilled water, then used Clonex on the two branches. First I selected a branch with at least three lower nodes. Then cut off the two lower nodes, sliced the branch at the base at a 45-deg angle. Then scuffed the bottom branch and dipped it immediately in some Clonex. I then pushed em’ (the branches) into the rockwool (which was placed in the Aerogarden.). Then filled the AG with the recommended dose of Clonex. I only used one light at the highest-level while the branches were under clear Tupperware bowls. The clones took marvelously (they are 5 days old in the attached photos.) Ultimately I think the AG will be great for keeping a mother, and starting clones for the first month of their life. It will consume a lot less water & nutrients that my 20-gallon Rubbermaid tub.

Also, the main girl has no signs of sex, so I’m patiently waiting. It’s currently growing about 2-inches per day, and consumes about ½ gallon of water.


Well-Known Member
My friend was worring last night that I'd jump off a bridge if this damn thing turns out to be a male. Well the fire department may go home now, cuz it's a girl.

I tried to post a close up of the pre-flowers... but my camera sucks. I'm 1-week & 1-day into 12/12 and several of the pre-flowers have two little pistils protruding from the calyx. I'm going to feel like a total tard if this is a boy, but I'm 99.9% sure she's a girl.

Thanks to everyone who's given me input. I"d also like to thank my mom and dad... Let's see... Jimi Hendrix... Miles Davis... Everyone who's helped me appreciate fine bud. All you lovely people, etc, etc.

Oh, just to let you all know the stats. She's 30.5" tall, and 35" in diameter.



Well-Known Member
Okay. I thought I'd post a picture of a fan leaf with a $5-bill to indicate approximate leaf size... and to highlight the last decent Republican President.

Is anyone smart enought to tell what strain this is primarily composed of??? I have to admit it looks almost like a pot plant... Fortunately I was told they're tomato plants.

Also, my plant grew 3-inches yesterday. It's now 34"... well it was when I measured it 3 hours ago. When I measured it 15 minutes ago, it was 34.5". I'm now 19" below the 450-watt HPS and I'm afraid she's going to start burning.

I could just trim the top, but I've heard that's where the best bud forms. Any suggestions?



New Member
Yeah the best bud is at the top, but if you top it you'll have more of the best bud spread over a larger area.

It's only the best at the top because it's had the best of the light. So even if you top, you still gonna get best bud.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Well here’s my weekly update. Today marks the start of week 10. Two more days and it marks the fourth week of flowering. She’s 41-inches tall... She’d probably be 50, but as you can see I’ve topped it, and I’ve also begun tying down the branches to keep them far from the light. All you see in this picture is a single plant. I can’t believe it’s soooo big. Actually there’s another plant in the foreground that is about 17-inches tall. This little runt was grown from seed that was about 5-years old, so that’s why she’s so stunted. But she turned out to be a girl too, so I’m going to let her live.

The third picture is of the runt.



Well-Known Member
Hi all. Here are the pics from week 12 (6-weeks into flowering.) This bastard is still growing. The leaves on the top 4 branches are showing serious heat stress, so I think I’m going to chop those. It’s now 43” tall and this is only because I’ve been tying it down. The second picture is of some of the wilted (heat stressed) leaves. The third is of a bud that is not directly under the light.

Also, I just received some White-Widow, AK-47 and Blue Mystic. Am I crazy to try and grow these all at once? Furthermore, clearly I need to keep my plants under 37”. If I flower from seedlings will it reduce the quality of my bud? If so, I was planning on growing a mother and flowering the clones at about 10-inches tall.

All input is welcome.

P.S. Merry X-Mas.



Well-Known Member
Since you’re new, I’ll let you know that we don’t like to be reminded of that.

Also, instead of hijacking my grow journal, why don’t you start your own. Let me know when you have it up and I’ll be happy to give you any advice.

P.S. My first advice is to bag the AG. It’s too small. My single plant drinks a gallon per day. You’ll have to start flowering too soon, and it’ll hurt the quality of your bud. I only use mine for seedlings and cloning. Go to the GrowFAQ at the top of the page and build yourself a better system for less $$$, then buy a good PH meter & Truncheon. You’re fucked without them.


New Member
P.S. My first advice is to bag the AG. It’s too small. My single plant drinks a gallon per day. You’ll have to start flowering too soon, and it’ll hurt the quality of your bud. I only use mine for seedlings and cloning. Go to the GrowFAQ at the top of the page and build yourself a better system for less $$$, then buy a good PH meter & Truncheon. You’re fucked without them.
Some great advice there towlie. Brutal, but honest, i like it.:mrgreen::peace:


Well-Known Member
Hey it looks like the light is to close to the top of those.
Hey Logan. First of all, I'm lovin' that avatar.

Secodly, you're correct. I flowered too late. The pic is a little miss leading because the total height of the grow chamber is about 6'-5" high. The top buds are about 18" away from the light.

Those top buds, incidentally, are from branches 3/2 up the stock.


Well-Known Member
Some great advice there towlie. Brutal, but honest, i like it.:mrgreen::peace:
Thanks Skunk. I'm actually using the AG right now to germ some seedlings. I made some holders for rockwool, and dropped the seeds (pointy side down) in the rockwool. I used 6 seeds and all 6 took... the pump heats the water so it's a nice energy saver for the first two weeks... but I still wouldn't get one if I could do it over.

I'll start a new grow journal as soon as this god damn thing will finish flowering.

Kind regards.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. I'll post updated pic's tomorrow. I just finished week 9 and this thing is going sooo slow. I reduced the light period to 8-hrs per day a few weeks ago to help speed the process. I did this based on info I read on this site... That said I've seen a lot of conflicting info here, so for those who know: "Does reducing the light period increase or decrease the time to flower???"

Also, I'm at week 10. I'm running at 1.6 EC and 6.0 PH.

Any suggestions as to why this is taking so long would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards.