Toxic growtent HELP????


Active Member
Any one no or have pix of what your plants look like if your grow tent is toxic?????????


Well-Known Member
Any one no or have pix of what your plants look like if your grow tent is toxic?????????

thats kind of odd to ask, you need to define toxicity.

IF your grow tent is made out of any kind of organic material (wood/MDF/OSB...Cotton/hemp...) those surfaces can retain moisture from humidity, and can mold over. the mold would be blueish-greenish, and it would spread to your plants, causing more mold.

If you painted your tent with lead paint, you could have toxicity...

if your bulb busted you could have mercury toxicity...

your plany may have botrysis/budrot?

show us YOUR pics, and we can help you.


Well-Known Member
are you talking about nutrient lock-out/nutrient toxicity?

If you overfed your plants, the tips will start drying and browning out, you may have an overall yellow appearance with necrotic spotting all over...

*srry 4 dbl psting,2 high =]


Active Member
The grow tents that are made of pvc or anything like that Hydro farm made tents that they recalled that were killing plants my hut looks like this. I just want to no if any one has had one of the tents that kill your plants????


Well-Known Member
i cant believe nobodies heard of this. This is an issue in older model grow tents that are lined with pvc plastic and they react with hid lighting releasing a toxic gas. From what i understand the plants will turn yellow, wilt, and be dead within a couple days. This is why you see all the dirt cheap grow tents on ebay. They are no good and people want to get rid of them.

What kind of tent do you have and what kind of lighting?


Active Member
Thank you i don't no what the tent makers name is it is a lil older tent and this is how my plants look do you think this is the cause of my problems. I got it and never used it and just broke it out. Light is a 600 hps and max temp in my room is 75*F



Well-Known Member
were you growing these plants before you had the tent?

are the walls white plastic?

try taking your plants out for a few day and see if they get any better.


Active Member
Yes it was the tent i took it down & lined the frame of the hut with cardboard and that was 3 days ago and BAM that are turned around 360. The new growth is green and the yellowing leaves are slowly turning back green i am so happy. I have a new tent on the way.