Toys that made us!

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C'mon guys you're slackin' post 10 already and I finally had to post this!
sorry you had to endure that arduous task.

I should have lead with this.
21 Disgusting Things Everyone Does In Public :: FOOYOH ENTERTAINMENT
I got a carbide cannon, it was cool but noise making is only fun for so long. So I delved into the fuel properties and hit pay dirt lol. That began my journey into chemistry
One time my friend and I were filling balloons from his dad's welding rig. A balloon detonated and wrapped his arm. I ran and got the garden hose, put him out and and wrapped his arm with my now soaking wet sweatshirt. That began my journey into medicine. Interesting how toys can shape one's future.
One time my friend and I were filling balloons from his dad's welding rig. A balloon detonated and wrapped his arm. I ran and got the garden hose, put him out and and wrapped his arm with my now soaking wet sweatshirt. That began my journey into medicine. Interesting how toys can shape one's future.
Well not the route i thought this would go, however same conclusion. Lmao