tracers, trails, etc.


Well-Known Member
What drugs would make this happen? I've never done anything except for weed and some other "soft" stuff. But damn I want to have some crazy visual effects and I can never get high enough for it. I really want to take E and I know where to get the common drugs (shrooms, weed, opiates, and ecstacy) so basically I have two choices...which one to choose? I really want a spiritual, enlightening, experience but I want to have fun


Well-Known Member
What drugs would make this happen? I've never done anything except for weed and some other "soft" stuff. But damn I want to have some crazy visual effects and I can never get high enough for it. I really want to take E and I know where to get the common drugs (shrooms, weed, opiates, and ecstacy) so basically I have two choices...which one to choose? I really want a spiritual, enlightening, experience but I want to have fun
Eat 1-2 1/8ths of shrooms.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
I have found san pedro cactus trips to be spiritual. you can legally buy cuttings over the internet. Salivia divinorium is legal and a good extract will give you crazy hallucinations, i had a crazy trip from two bong hits. it only lasts a few minutes. I hear DMT is fun to try, it produces very vivid hallucinations, but i've never tryed it. you can trip off of weed too. a friend of mine bought a gram of some dank for $100.00 during a ski trip to N.Y., i have no idea what the strain was but a couple of hits gave me a strong lime taste in my mouth and i started to see purple trails come off my hands, i got really high and 10 minutes later i layed down on my bed and closed my eyes, the next thing i knew i was waking up the next day. if you want to trip off weed then it's best to eat it. make a batch of really strong brownies and eat a good sized chunk.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
well believe it or not some strains of cannabis have up to 23% THC. most high quality strains go for about $20.00 a gram and sometimes even $30-40. potent sativas like Nevilles Haze have trippy effects. I have never paid 100 for a gram, and that stuf may have been laced, but i doubt it. If you are only paying 10-15 a gram than its probably just a mediocre strain, thats why you don't see any visuals.

jack tripper

Well-Known Member
Oh sorry i thought charfizcool posted that reply. anyway check out the contest on pot tv. Mark Emery disqualified a strain called the Scientist because it was so potent the he thought it was laced with DMT. the grower swears that it was'nt, and there really is no reason to make stuf up, so... bud can be that potent.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
Who the Fuck pays a hundy-spot for a gram, I wouldn't ever pay more than $10, $15 if its home grown.

Fucking Cheap-Ass Dealers

May have been laced, never heard of getting visuals from weed. I know it is considered a hallucinogen, but I don't think it is potent enough in any proportion and definatley not off a gram, unless it was the best weed in the world and you never smoked weed before. But I call bull-shit.

That is steep.. I've full out tripped on weed before, but I didn't pay no 100 a g.


Well-Known Member
Alright I've decided to go on a magical quest for shrooms :D I'll probably get some for next friday. So how much should I eat? I'm thinking just 1/8th but damn idk how much to eat just guessing cause what Mr.Banana said.

Oh ya and and I'm gonna make some brownies too...what kind of chocolate will get me high? j/k:hump: Can I blaze and eat shrooms at the same time or is that gonna be bad?


Oracle of Hallucinogens
personally, I think joe is a lil' more balsy than myself.. I'd say start with half an eighth and work up to an eighth.. more if needed.


Active Member
yea you can mix shrooms and eating weed. all that gets in your system when you eat is weed oil, which is not bad for you. eat a half eighth of shrooms with some dank weed brownies, wait till you start tripping, then eat the other half eighth. That should give you a fun time.


Active Member
I experianced 2 hits of acid and smoken weed this past weekend....and that gave me one of my fav highs ever, i spent it with me friend and my girlfriend and a trippy basement...we laughed for 12 hours! funnest high ever! and we smoked the whole next day, so i had a solid 20 hour acid trip, and would do it again in a heartbeat!


Well-Known Member
No don't eat 2 8ths of shrooms. That's a quarter ounce. For your first time, this is probably way too much. You want to see tracers, not lose your bloody damn mind!!!:) Trust me, it's easy to lose control on such a massively heavy dose of psychedelics... it would most likely be temporary--like the duration of the time you are tripping--but it can be scary if you aren't experienced. I wasn't experienced with LSD at first; I took like six hits my first time, and tripped so hard I was laughing and crying all crazy. In retrospect, it was funny. At the time it was all happening, I was downright psychotic. I wrote a post about it somewhere...ahh the joys of breaking down your reality and losing control of your conscious mind!

I've smoked weed and taken an 8th of shrooms: I hallucinated so vividly, and my mind state of mind went to strange and far corners of my mind. It was fun. You should have fun if you have a good frame of mind going into your trip. Just remember, everything you feel emotionally will be intensified, sometimes to an uncomfortable level. That's when you can hit the bong and everything kind of comes back to normal.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, this thread title reminds me of the first time I got high. I was like 4 years old and ate some rubber cement. It made see mega trails so I ate more, until my mom found me and said "OH SHIT". She sat me on the counter, fed me a teddy graham cracker, and I returned to normal fast. When I say ate, I mean slight nip like 1/2 match stick.


Get some shrooms, or acid.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, this thread title reminds me of the first time I got high. I was like 4 years old and ate some rubber cement. It made see mega trails so I ate more, until my mom found me and said "OH SHIT". She sat me on the counter, fed me a teddy graham cracker, and I returned to normal fast. When I say ate, I mean slight nip like 1/2 match stick.


Get some shrooms, or acid.
Lol I don't plan on eating anything deadly to trip:shock:

explains a lot.
What's that supposed to mean? lol <-had to add it :)


Well-Known Member
I got some bud one time that was 25$/g. I was told it was pure sativa. It made me and all of my friends trip and hallucinate amazing visuals not un-like a moderately strong salvia trip for 2 hours. And then you were high for 2 more hours.


Well-Known Member
Ugh, this thread title reminds me of the first time I got high. I was like 4 years old and ate some rubber cement. It made see mega trails so I ate more, until my mom found me and said "OH SHIT". She sat me on the counter, fed me a teddy graham cracker, and I returned to normal fast. When I say ate, I mean slight nip like 1/2 match stick.


Get some shrooms, or acid.
Considering the amount of rubber cement you claim to have eaten, it seems unlikely that you would have injested enough to hallucinate, even being 4 years old and having such a small body weight.