Well-Known Member
So on Thursday I was driving from NYC to Asheville, NC. Me and one of my good friends were going down to visit someone. We had a quarter of sweet gum and a quarter of Orange Kush with us for the ride down. We had just got over the border into NC on 85 south and had already burned through about half our pot. At this point my buddy was driving and I was the passenger. He went to pass a truck and sped up and as soon as he did boom there was a cop in the center median looking right at us going by doing 73 in a 65 and out he comes. No more than a half mile is another cop on the right. They are both Sheriffs which seemed strange cause you usually only see Highway Patrol or State Police on the interstate. So they pull us, and he says you were speeding blah blah and pulls my buddy out and puts him in patrol car. When he comes back to the car and knocks on the window the first thing he asks me is where is the weed. I told him I didnt know what he was talking about and then he pointed out a little tiny flake of bud on my shirt that must of fell out of the last joint we smoked. Whoops. That must be dirt. No its not dirt im not supid he says. Step out of the car. So he searches me all up in my junk, and ass, and shoes and hat. Then they sit me in the shade by the trees on the side of the road. They then procede to search the car HARDCORE. I mean they were checking the engine, under the car, took tools out and were opening door panels and trunk compartments. It was crazy, in the end they found our pot in the barbesol can safe. Those things don't work. But the whole thing had me wondering. How much pot is moving up and down our highways. Have any of you ever moved large amounts in a vehicle? It must be a crazy high to be driving with that. I think I could do it. They ended up taking out pot and giving us a ticket and sending us on our way. I wonder if they got their big bust that day? I want to hear more stories about trafficking large amounts! Who has done it? Was it worth it? Was it fun? Scary? How did you do it?