Trail maintenance

This tent would not be good for stealth camping. Not quite dark and you can already see how reflective it is.

I mowed the trails down at the creek land, and some of the firebreaks at the riverfield. Also worked on the trail from the riverhouse to the creek with handsaw and nippers. It was late in the day, so everyone was home across the river. I need to get down there during the day so I can pile the limbs at river level so the next flood will take it away. The powers that be are pressing everyone to make sure nothing you cut ends up in the water. And I'm trying to do exactly that.
The flock of turkeys have been coming across the road onto our land about everyday since gun season started. I was down at the old river camp picking oranges the other night, and scared some of them off the roost.

Last night I saw a couple of dozen glow worms down at the creek. I'm saying glow worms and not firefly's because all of the light was on the ground, none in the trees. Anyway, it's crazy that they are hatching in December.
The two orange trees at the old river camp have large sections that has died from hurricane damage. All the limbs that had the bark stripped are dead now. Only about two dozen fruit on the trees this year. I really need to get some trees past the 2 year mark, where I usually let them die from neglect.

The last two weeks I have been doing a little mowing with the small bushhog down at the river field. I got most of the firebreaks clear. Although there are several trees down that were too big for me to push with the mower. I'm guessing they were from Hurricane Fred.

This week I have been using the big bushhog here on the sandhill behind the house. I have 2K longleaf seedlings coming in Thursday afternoon. I have enough mowed to get them planted, but I'll go ahead and work on it again tomorrow.

I got a few trees planted Thursday, but rain chased me. Cousin Johnny helped yesterday and today. All together we have planted just about 1000 seedlings. I have to work Monday through Wednesday, so time is going to be an issue before it's all said and done.

It took eight days in all to wrap up the tree planting. Johnny helped five of those days. We had a real good soaking rain, so feel pretty good about their chances.

I got a few rows flagged this morning. Will be starting to come back toward the house with the new trees. But I got enough of the other end of the field mowed so we will have room to finish them out that way.

I got the last of the longleaf seedlings planted this afternoon. I had about 55-60 leftover trees so I planted skips between the garden and the graveyard, I had done 30 there from the first go-round, so all but 85-90 of the 4000 trees went into the field. Next year I will put some down at the river-field.

I saw the first boat on the river for this year. Not really fishing, just riding. That is the worst thing about the riverhouse. I'll be working in the yard talking to myself, and a boatful of folks drift by.
I saw the first boat on the river for this year. Not really fishing, just riding. That is the worst thing about the riverhouse. I'll be working in the yard talking to myself, and a boatful of folks drift by.
The next day I saw my second boat. Man and wife riding, making a big ass wake both ways. Luckily it was when the river was still low.
A couple three nights ago we got between 8 and 10 inches of rain. The river got up to 17.77 at the gauge, but it must have been higher at the riverhouse. The slough doesn't fill up until 18. 3 or something like that usually. But it did fill up and just barely covered the driveway. The river went down, but rain from up in Dothan is just getting here, so it's back above 17.8 now, with a forecasted crest of 22.5. I'm not down there, so I don't know if it's in the slough yet or not.

Rain coming around daylight. Shouldn't be but an inch or two this go round.
Once again there were no longleaf seedlings to order from Andrew's, the nursery the div of forestry uses. That's two of the last three years they ran out before I could get my order in. I doubled checked with the block grant recovery folks, and they said it was alright to plant other varieties, so I've ordered 8K slash (over five different delivery dates, since I'm dibbling them in) There were other places that had the lonfleaf, but they had a 10K min order. The slash are 80 bucks including delivery, compared to 110 for longleaf. You do plant a few more slash per acre.
Once again there were no longleaf seedlings to order from Andrew's, the nursery the div of forestry uses. That's two of the last three years they ran out before I could get my order in. I doubled checked with the block grant recovery folks, and they said it was alright to plant other varieties, so I've ordered 8K slash (over five different delivery dates, since I'm dibbling them in) There were other places that had the lonfleaf, but they had a 10K min order. The slash are 80 bucks including delivery, compared to 110 for longleaf. You do plant a few more slash per acre.
There has been a couple of updates on this situation. When they returned the check, they said to call and see if there had been any orders cancelled. We called them about a month ago, and all they had was sand pines. But a week later they called back and my order of slash is back on. We redid the order form and sent them a new check.
I wrapped up cutting the far reaches of the yard today.

I worked on the back trail to the graveyard too. The wife and I have been walking after lunch since it's cooler. Yesterday we say a bald eagle. He flew from the back yard as we were getting back to the house. He passed right by us, about 20 feet high. Pretty damn cool.