Trailer Park Boys


Well-Known Member
Sweatpants lol like does ricky dress kinda the same irl I could see him wearing a nice ass jogging suit like them rick bastards


Well-Known Member
Damn, I feel like TPB was just ruined for me.. damn.

I've seen a John Dunsworth (Lahey) interview... He seems like good shit..


Well-Known Member
Who.cares how much of dick they are shows still good
Eh... Yeah. I mean, I've watched every episode and movie about 5-6x through. I guess I care enough to not go for it a 7th time.
It's kinda like Kanye West... Normally, I would give him credit for the album Graduation... But since he is such an incredible douche I can't even enjoy it.


Well-Known Member
Just finished season 7 im so sad now...but season 8 soon hopefully and tpbm3
Yeah, I'm looking forward to season 8. That shit is fucking hilarious.
My favorite all time is Ricky in court. Both the Trinity drunk driving one and the Cory and Trevor stealing gas one. It's just so good.


Well-Known Member
I looked the 3 main boys up and they havent really been in anything else but tpb
There is the Drunk and On Drugs Happy Fun Time Hour.
I've only watched a couple episodes. It's ok..
Ahh man i wish they were assholes.. Still vaguely new watched both movies and a handful of shows, still watching! But it does disappoint me that there not funny guys irl..


Active Member
J Roc was the funniest character ever.

i dnt even type motherfucker anymore...... its maufucka! lol


Active Member
best scene ever. " i dont like when maufuckas suck they teeth at me "