Trailer Trash Grow Closet


I dont agree with the cost being more than the yield. Veg with cfls, flower with a 150w hps. $65 brand new and they dont run very hot. In my opinion thats your best bet especially if you can keep the door open itll cause no heat problems at all


Well-Known Member
u can flower with cfls man that 150 watt system isnt verry good i have seen it u can spend 40 more dollers and get a 250watt cooltube kit. i personaly would just flower useing cfls thats what i did on my very first grow and the buds actuly got huge almost as large as they get under my 1k hps as long as u have enough cfls u will be good :) if ur gonna use a hps then just use them 4foot shop lights from walmart the same thing as thoughs t5 fixtures just way cheaper :) thats what i use for veg and i flower under 1000 watt air cooled high pressure sodium.


Well-Known Member
I had a closet I couldnt paint at one time. I cut up big pieces of cardboard and painted em with flat white paint. worked pretty good. It had a wire shelf just like that one too. It was great for hangin lights. good luck.