Training 101

Logan Burke

Well-Known Member
Well I'm not very well versed with supercropping, but I've always preferred FIM'ing over actual topping to create multiple dominant colas rather than topping and getting two dominant tops, and doing each one again for more. But I think this is really going to come down to your growing perameters. Scrogging is a favored method by many people, and it certianly does wonders for your yields.


Well-Known Member
I tend to top 3 times-this produces 8 main tops and lets me use a trellis net to keep the canopy spread. I only supercrop if a branch just gets unruly and prevents me from keeping lighting uniform. Then she gets bent over.
I also top 3 times and supercrop. With 8 main branches you can lay them out like spokes on a wheel and have a fairly even canopy even without scrogging. Add a scrog and you can really produce bud.