Trainwreck. 250w hps. One CFL. Early flowering.



This is the bottom of the plant, im not sure if its ok and i should flush it or something.

This is my first grow, how does she look???


Well-Known Member
she looks just lovely, you may have over watered or just not enough light down there, may i make a suggestion? when i use soil i like to flush once a month to remove any salt build up and to have better control and a clean slate, whether i have issues or not, this keeps the soil PH in check and gets your lined up to absorb the nutrients shes gonna take during flowering, especially when shes this size and bigger she will drink a ton, personally i just like to maintain the root zone as best as possible, is this greenhouse TW? i just chopped down a mother for clones


Yea thats a good idea, i havent flushed her at all. I will do that after her next feeding, thanks a lot bro. I will keep it updated.


haha considering i just burned an L, its amazing i remembered to find this thread. I will post pics when she gets bigger. I dont have a great camera, but i will do my best with what i got.

Also, some fan leaves on the lower branches have dried out in small patches on the leaves. I was told this was nothing to worry about, and it was most likely caused by lack of light. But im not sure if thats true. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
especially right now she is using up any remaining nitrogen, and if you changed to bloom ferts with less N in it, you will start see m,ore and more lower leaves turn yellow and fall, this is totally cool


alright thanks man! This is my first grow and i have put a lot of time and energy into it, i want to get everything right. If the problem with the dried spots on the leaves persists and moves upward, i will post pics to better help the case. She seems happy for now though.